Some classes are large lectures but have small discussion classes on days later in the week. Most of the classes you take are less then 25 students. Students study a lot and it is a smart idea to go to office hours because the teacher will answer any questions you have and help with homework and studying for tests.
Academics here are generally great! I greatly enjoy all of the science classes! The general education classes are great too. I hate the math department, very few of the teachers speak Englis well. Most students that I have classes with are planning on going on to graduate school, which causes a competitive environment. I like this because it challenges me to do good. The professors are, for the most part, good. In big lecctures it is hard to get personal with he students, but most professors do what they can.
The professors for the most part are very willing to help students who go to their office hours. U of A offers a diverse selection of classes to choose from.
I'm not gonna lie, most of the professors I've had haven't been that great. I used to be a Physiology major and therefore took all the science lectures. The science teachers are not at U of A to teach, they are at U of A to research, teaching is just part of their requirement to research, since U of A is one of the top schools for research. I've had multiple sources (counselors included) telling me to take certain classes outside of U of A because of the teachers. However, I've heard that once you get into the upper divisions that are part of your major things change.
some majors are competitive some are not anyone can finda degree to fit them
Tons of resources provided for students especially at freshman and sophomore levels, including but not limited to teacher's office hours, tutoring, 3rd party tutoring (personal tutors), past test archives, etc. The library is open 24 hrs during the week and especially in the underground (ILC) there is always people in there doing work, I honestly see more people in the ILC that I know than I do randomly when walking across campus. Also plenty of resources available for finding a job including resume workshops, career fairs, listservs with job opportunities being forwarded and more.
I have had some great teachers in the college of Engineering. In particular, Dr Blowers, a chemical engineering professor, explains topics clearly and is always available for questions. He is also a great advisor.
Most of my classes are large, except my Spanish classes. All of my science classes are very hard, and the test averages are very low. Students are competitive for grades, scholarships, club membership, and internships. I really like the Biology dept. The advisers are great and smart. Some profs go above and beyond in their classes, like Dr. McCarthy who teaches an astronomy class. He invited students to his own house to see the stars more clearly. As of now, my education seems to be mostly about learning for its own sake, and does not have as much practical application as I'd like.
The academics are very important and all of the professors are extremely good. I have taken great classes with great professors. There are many students at The University of Arizona that don't want to do the work and others that excel extremely. I loved the class called Structure of Mind and Behavior.
Professors and assitants of the university of arizona are dedicated to reaching every student. language courses, english, and math are usually taken in smaller classes of 20-50 students and you have class a minimum of three days a week. In larger lecture type classes most professors have a discussion group and enforce smaller group projects and presentations. Every teacher, administrator, and student involved in leadership is required to have scheduled weekly office hours. Tutoring centers from math, science, and workshop writing centers for english are also available by appointment and for free to students.