University of Arizona Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Arizona? Why?


The worst thing about the University of Arizona, in my opinion, would be the over priced food. There is not very much variety when it comes to on campus dining options, and for the amount of food you get, it is very expensive. If you compare food items sold on campus with the same ones sold in restaurants or grocery stores off campus, you will notice that on average the food sold on campus is about three times as expensive!


This is a large research university and as such must accommodate a substantial amount of students, professors and consequently, agendas. While I feel the school does an excellent job fortifying its integrity as an educational institution, the economic condition of the state and country is inducing many unnecessary (and hopefully temporary) setbacks as far as financial affordability and teacher to student ratio. The sad consequences of budget cuts to education have an arching effect through the institution, though this is most likely true throughout the nation.


I wish there were more fun classes such as a culinary class.


The worst thing about my school is their location; it is located in an old city so there is not much to do. A lot of stores or restaurants are spread apart so it is hard for me to buy necessities. Even if I have a car, I would have to drive a long distance to buy the things and I find that a hassle. UofA is the best thing in Tucson, but once people enter this school, it is not as nice as they would hope.


The worst thing about my school is the inevitable diverstiy amongst teaching methods. I cannot guarantee that all our professors teach the same, have the same beliefs, say more outrageous things that other professors, and so on. But there are professors here that students will remember for a long time because of their greatness. Unfortunately, some teachers will be remembered also for their detrimental behavior in the classroom.


A great deal of the students here are quite pretentious. This can deter newer students from attempting to interact with the student body or get involved with clubs and/or greek life.


Its hard to answer what the worst thing about Arizona is. There are so many positive things that happen at UA that outweigh the negatives. In my opinion, the worst thing about Arizona is the lack of assistance in finding a major. Entering college as an architecture major isn't easy, and when I decided it wasn't for me, the lack of support and assistance in settling on a new major was frightening. While it is a personal decision, the alienation I felt was disappointingly incongruous with the rest of my experience at the University of Arizona.


While new innovations in technology are moving forward, the advisory staff seem to be moving backward. Sometimes you have to go through as many as 5 offices before you find the counseling you need, each office more bearocratic than the next.


I think that the worse thing about my school is the cost of tuition and additional fees. I know a lot of individuals, including myself, that are having an issue paying for school. Because of this problem, students are forced to drop out and financially struggle.


I think that it can appear to be at times a judgemental environment. When we see people expressing their opinions there is a lot of hostility at the school. There are often things going on at the campus that can be too intrusive and impositional in my opinion. Often there are religious extremists (daily) proclaiming the evil of humans and how we need to give it all to God, it is almost made me question my own faith. Academic advising is also not up to standards. I didn't know Gen Ed avisors existed util my senior year.