I think the one of the worst things about my school is the way the math department is set up, almost everyone complains about it. The amount of constant construction is annoying when trying to get to 8am classes on time, and I'm sad that most people regard it as a low level school.
The maps aren't very user friendly. Also the way they do registration is awful and needs to be rethought. Also their slogan is "Bear down" which in medical terms is having a bowel movement. Gross.
The matth department here is notoriously poor. Early level math classes require a huge investment of personal time to succeed. There are free tutoring services available but the teaching quality can be very sporadic. If you choose this school, complete as much math education as you can prior to attending and expect to teach much of the material to yourself. Also, familiarize yourself early with tutoring opportunities to offset in class shortcomings.
Counselors, I have had a few friends led wrong by counselors making it so they are in school longer and paying more. If the counselors screw up then they should pay for the extra semesters you are there, maybe then they would do their jobs better. I also was told to take physics at the university, not the community college because it was a better class and thats why people thought the community college was easier. The truth is its harder at the U of A because it is taught by grad students while the community college has real professors.
The location. The campus is great however, the surrounding area is not.
What I consider the worst about my school are the advisors. I consider advisors to be the worst thing in my school because they do not help as they should. The give you information that sometimes doen't even apply you. They also tend to send you to other people to seek help or answer you questions when it is something that they can answer. I feel this happens because they have many other things to do like paperwork and deal with meetings that they do not really have time to focus on the students.
I believe that the worst thing about college is the amount of money it costs to attend. Students today are faced with so much financial debt because they attend college and try to better their life through education. Education will only better a person, and it gives students the opportunity to succeed and achieve their lifetime goals. In today's society, it is quite difficult to be successful without an education. Education makes all the difference, so financial hardship is expected.
It sucks that there are no cafeterias. I wish there was more than just fast food on campus. There are healthy choices but they get boring after a while.
The worst thing about the U of A is the large lecture classes. It is very hard to have a one-on-one relationship with the instructor and the classes are often more challenging than others as a result as a result. Also, the math department is not as good as it should be for a school with such great engineering programs. Many students struggle with math here mostly because they have poor instructors who don't explain the material well enough.
The worst thing about my school would be the complicated online systems for everything. Everything we need to do as students seems to be online and very complex. There is always something you miss and that can have horrible outcomes. For instance, missing a deadline or duedate can have a major effect on your current acedemic year. I think this could be easily avoided by having a person to talk to about these important procedures instead of trying ,and sometimes failing, to navigate an online page.