What I consider worst about the University of Arizona is its size. This school is smaller than the other in-state university that I was considering, it's still a very big school. Coming from a private catholic high school where my graduation class was about 300 the move to the university was shocking. They had so many students, there was no way they could possibly care about all of the students or have any sort of personal investment in their lives. Due to its size, the faculty is unable to become invested in a student's succes or failure.
The school can be huge. If you do not get involved it is easy to get lost. There is also a lot of history on the campus so some things look really old but the old is beautifully intergrated with some of the most state of the art technology. Also, the university is located in Tucson, unless you enjoy outdoor activities there is not much else to do off campus.
The city of Tucson is probably the worst part about the University of Arizona. South of campus is an area that students tend to try to avoid, yet the majority of the dorms are on that side of campus. Fortunately my dorm is not, but the new Honors dorm as well as the other newer dorms are. Given the poorer conditions of the city, one does not always feel safe. The University recognizes that though and offers a program called SafeCats which is a free cab service for students.
The worst thing about my school is probably how much tuition has risen every single year. Just this past year our university faced a $78 million cut of state funding because of a passed legislation by our Governor Jan Brewer. This made tuition increase $1500 for in state students like myself. There is no doubt yhat education comes at a price, but it is becoming elusive for students like me who live at home and still stuggle financially. I have been raised to value education and I would hate for it to become a simple luxury for the priviledged.
The worst thing about my school is the location in which my university resides. The University of Arizona is an amazing school with plenty of resources for students to succeed, yet the city of Tucson is nearly deserted. Without the University, Tucson would be a failure because there is nothing else keeping the city alive. The city lacks reconstruction and money to allow the city to flourish. Also, being in an under developed city, we are limited to outside opportunites off campus, which would allow students to gain knowledge of the working world.
As a transfer student there is a great difficulty in trying to navigate the transfer process. Resources are rather limited, as is information, and there is very little offered in way of scholarships and help in the transition from community college to university life.
There is nothing I really dislike about The University of Arizona, except for walking around certain parts of the campus. Many students ride their bicycles to get around the campus, and sometimes it gets hard to cross a sidewalk because of the many bicyclists.
The worse thing about my school is that the students don't have a voice. In relation to the board of regents, students' voices are limited. As funding keeps getting cut for education and our tuition rates rise, it's hard to imagine if they have any concern at all for our well-being. It would be an improvement if students were able to voice their opinions on policies or program funding rather than adminstration doing what they think is right.
I would consider the parking to be the worst thing about the University of Arizona. It can be very expensive to park in a parking garage and there are far too few metered spaces available. The metered spaces that are available are for very short periods of time, most of them are two hour maximums. These meters are patrolled constantly by a omnipresent group of meter maids that are known for writing tickets the minute your meter expires (this is not an exaggeration).
One of the biggest problems with the University of Arizona is that it's very large. It's hard to find the right person to help you out with a problem. Often times I have to go through multiple people.