Seeing as how I am attending the best university in the world, the only thing to complain about it is that it is not free. A good sturdy education is by all means not free with every little thing costing something. This is the worst thing about my school.
I haven't actually started taking classes yet but from what I've experiened so far, I'd say that getting in-state tutiton is the most difficult as well as getting financial aid. I moved to Tucson from California and I'm completely financially independent, however, proving this to the school has been a challenge.
The worst thing about the University of Arizona is that I did not understand the importance of living on campus the first year. I now see why most schools require students to live in the dorms for their first year. This is so they can see the activities available and be able to meet students in their same classes and struggling through their same problems. I did not live in a dorm my first year but I luckily had some friends that did so I could get the same experience by hanging out in the dorms with them.
People judge me by my looks and they are suspicious.
Not much to do when under 21
There really isn't anything bad about the U of A, not that I know of yet. I have only been there one year so I've seen the nice side of things and I know that I will most likely be opened to the bad side of it, but i haven't yet. If I had to complain about one thing, it would be the math department. I thought it was the toughest subject and the teachers are not the best.
The worst thing about my school is parking. It cost up to 600 dollars a year for a permit and you may not recieve a permit. You get put on a waiting list for up to a year. Also, even if you have a permit, you are not always guaranteed a spot.
It is too big for me to be able to grow at and do the best to my ability. The students care too much about the Greek life and not about helping our world and making a positive impact.
The physics department at the U of A isn't great, the professors seemingly only centered on reseach. Though I've never heard of a good physics department either. I beleive that calculus should be made a requirement for all physics classes as physics equations are all calculus based, but that may be an over-arching issue of prerequisites than a problem with the school.
Unfortunately, while there is an abundance of scientific and other academic classes here, the arts are scarce and competitive. There are a few drawing and photography courses, but very little of any other form of art- with the few that are there being nearly impossible to get into before they fill up. Although I am a dual major in Nuero/Cognitive science and physiology, the arts are immensely important for all majors and studies have shown an important link between the science and art. I wish there were more art classes available to balance my education.