University of Arizona Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


To me, the best thing about my school is the people there. Every professor I encounter this past year, school staff, and other peers at the university were kind and helpful. Being a freshman, I was new to attending a large school with large classrooms, and when I needed some help, there was always someone willing to assist me.


The best thing at my school is the new Student Union. This is where I go to get anything I need, such as food, supplies, entertainment, and information. Clubs and organizations like to have their meetings at the Student Union because it is convienient for students.


Their commottment to research excellence.



Everything is very close together. The campus is basically a 2-mile X 2-mile rectangle, and you can walk wherever you need to go. It FEELS like an old-time college campus, and is beautiful. The dorms are close to everything, and you don't need a car your freshman year because it's all right here. ASU, for example, doesn't feel like a college campus at all, and is so spread out that you need a car to get to class. If you forget where you are, you could think you're at an Ivy League campus. That's the biggest thing. Very central campus, looks beautiful, prestigious and well-kept.


The best thing about our school is the students. Everyone is very friendly so you can find friends very easily. The school sports are also very good so all of the games are fun to attend.


Many of the faculty here at the University of Arizona are leading researchers in their prospective fields. It is good to learn from the best.


I love everything about my school


The best aspect of The University of Arizona in my opinion is the VETS office. The VETS office is an on campus orginization that provides help for all aspects of going to college for military veterans. There is always someone there to help with whatever question I may have. The office provides couseling services, free printing, advising and so mucgh more.


The support I get for having a disability at the Disability Student Resource Center