I consider the Think Tank among one of the best resources my school has to offer. It is a tutoring service available to the students at the University of Arizona that is free for the most part, although it offers fee-based services as well. Knowing that the help is there in the event that I am struggling in a certain subject makes me feel safe, whether it is through Exam Prep sessions, study guides or just help reviewing the material.
Good business school
The schools culture and beauty, both making for a comfortable enviroment to study and learn. Students have a great deal of school pride and the feeling of being a wildcat amoung others gives off a strong family vibe. Spoting events are especially prideful and a unique experience. The beauty of the school adds to the comfortable enviroment that makes studying with your wildcat family much more enjoyable. Time on campus is enjoyed and students often find themselves staying late on campus.
One of the things I admire about my school apart from its beautiful campus, are the small class sizes. With classes rangingf rom 20-25 students, I am able to get more one on one time with my professor. This allows me to ask specific questions and receive answers within a relatively short amount of time. It also gives me a chance to familiarize myself with new peers.
The immense amount of diversity is one of the most impressive things about the University of Arizona. The diversity alone is not what impresses me so, but the way in which each and every one of these people can work together to achieve what they do. Especially in the field of biology and medicine, the University of Arizona is a school that has achieved much. Although I barely a first year freshmen, I too hope to be able to achieve what many of these U of A researchers have been able to achieve.
This school is extremely diverse in all aspects. Ethnically, there is a large Latino population, but the school is also diverse in the students' socio-economic status, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. Because of this, there is a lack of judgement between individuals. People are genuinely interested to find out who you really are, no matter the stereotypes you fit into.
The best thing about the UofA is the involvement in the dorms. Even though I don't live in a dorm, I am still included in the many outside activities that my friends' dorms take part in. It really makes me want to live on campus. I think the experience is priceless.
The Campus life is great plenty of Greek clubs.
The school spirit at the UA is the number one most amazing aspect. It doesn't matter if we are losing a football game, we still yell "UofA, UofA, UofA!!!!" and the spirit never ceases to exist. We are the Wildcats and the best of Arizona and the Pac 12!
The sence of community.