University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arkansas-Fort Smith know before they start?


If I could advise my high school self, I would tell myself that no matter the cost, I should go to the school that I want. I should not settle for a school just because it is cheaper. I would also tell myself that there are so many more scholarships and federal funds for which I could have applied. I would make sure that I studied more in high school and learned to use study groups to prepare for college. I would also make sure that somehow, I lived on campus. I believe that one cannot get the full college experience without being fully emersed in student life and having to interact with other students in academic and non-academic fields. I do not feel that my high school did a good job of preparing me for college, or that the University did a very good job of making me feel like a part of their instituion instead of just a number.


I would tell myself to save all the money I earned. I knew college would by expensive, but I never knew how hard I would struggle in getting enough money in scholarships to pay for everything year to year. I think I was very well prepared educationally for my college, as I graduated from a very good high school. The only other thing I would tell my self is to prepare to be independent, because college has almost a little too much freedom!


I would tell myself that it was going to be harder than I thought - that the transition wouldn't just be a breeze. I would tell myself that to focus on school and not worry so much about going home every weekend and sometimes during the week. I would say that even those classes that seem pointless still affect your GPA and you have to take them seriously or it can mess up your financial situation and your GAP for the rest of your college career. I would tell myself that just a little more work at the beginning of college could save a lot of work later on.


I wish I would've had more interest in high school considering my gpa ran between 1 and 2. I think education is so important now and I'm glad I waited to go to college. If I would've went to college immediately after high school, I would've made the same mistakes as then.


I have grown so much as both a performer and a person during my years at University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. I have done more to follow my own heart in the past five years than I ever did previously. I have made lifelong friends here and learned valuable skills that are maybe not so conventional but will benefit me nevertheless. It is because of my experience here that I have the courage to pursue my dreams. I have never been discouraged by a professor or classmate; rather, each has urged me forward in my post-graduate goals. I feel prepared for what lies beyond the walls of academia because of my experience here.


I have learned that in order to suceed you must push youself harder everyday. Studying is a #1 priority. And attendenc is also very important.. Not going to class is like paying for a movie and not attending the showing. Basically you paid for that class and the instructor to teach you the material so why miss the class. I just dont understand some students that skip class this is so disrespectful towards your teacher for one and your just cutting yourself short of extra knowledge you could have learned on the day or days you missed that scheduled class day. I currently work full time as an EMT and in 2007 graduated Paramedic school and im a full time mom of 4 children. Its been rough BUT YOU MUST STRIVE TO SUCEED!! You have to want it to get it! Iam 30 years old and have decided i would like to work in the Criminal Justice feild. College has made me a stronger person, because it is stressful at times but i understand that you cant get anywhere in this ole world without an education! I work hard and study hard for my education and for my family!


My college experience has taught me to be patient, but also to be ambitious and go for the stars. I have learned so much not only through my classes and professors but through the friends I've made. The professors are very knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful. The office staff has been nothing but great. I am very satisfied with just about every aspect of campus. I think that the most valuable aspect of attending the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith has been the things I have learned about myself through this school, not only through my education but through the friends and the events I've attended.


I am a very devoted college student studying music at The University of Arkansas Fort Smith. I am the first one in the building when it opens at 6:30 in the morning, so i can practice my instument and prepair for the day, and almost alway one of the last ones to leave at 9 when the building closes. I do this so i can mae sure all my work it done and also so i can become the best musician and musical composer possible. When we have peformances I'm at the venue hours before the show to make sure everything is in place and after i stay late to make sure everything is put back. I work hard at what I do because I love it and i can wait for the day to have a career doin what I love, Writing and performing music!


It has prepared me to move on to a larger college and it has saved me a lot of money by getting my basics out of the way at this school.


I have highly developed my concept of design and my skills concerning all aspects of design.