University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arkansas-Fort Smith know before they start?


The first and only advice I would give to myself would be 'Focus' I think when you focus on something, you put everything else away and keep certain things in mind. And that's what we need to do in school is 'focus', put away all interest in video games, friday night, weekend parties, hanging out with friends on school night and focus on school because high school is a critical moment in your life which will determine where you will be spening the next 4 years of your life. Do you just want to do ok like me and end up in a small universtiy that limits the studying expansion? Or would you like to try hard and end up in a big university full of diversity and activities and live in a dorm like every teens dream? This is my only advice I would give to myself. And all I expect is success.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice when I was a senior in high school, I would tell myself that college is not at all like high school is. There is some advantages and some disadvantages. I would tell myself that I need to get prepared for a different life that's a lot harder than high school is. You need to get prepared to study and practice your instrument every night. You need to get financially prepared to pay tuition and books. You need to stop goofing around right now and start being serious about school. If you screw around in college than there's no going to the principals office or anything, there's no second chances. If you want to get anywhere in life you need to do well in college, I know you can you just have to tell yourself to do it Chris. The most important thing of all is that you need to just start being mature and be serious about college it's the most important thing right now. It's only hard if you make it hard I know you can do it. So go get 'em tiger!


If I could go back into time and talk to myself as a high school senior, there would be a lot I would tell myself to prepare me for an entire new outlook on college life. I would tell myself not to be as nervous as I was the first day of the first semester, and not to think that the professors were going to hurt me if I didn't have all of my supplies. Another would be that college is your own responsibility and to attend class or not, that would be up to me. Also, I would tell myself that no matter what happened, that I should never give up. To always strive to do my best and leave it at that. Lastly, to have fun. College is more laid back than high school is and it shouldn't always be stressful. Enjoying life, becoming what you've always wanted to be, and making memories should be the most important part of the college life.


Always look to strive for more never settle for less. And always look for scholarships and loans early.


Dont give up, work hard and stay in school. Take your Act, which I did not do in high school. When you put your mind to school work you can accomplish anything.


Start with a small college for your basic classes and then transfer to a larger college. Check out the larger colleges find out which will fit your needs educationaly as well as personal needs. Make sure you are acquainted with the layout of the college and the time it would take to get from one building to the next when college is in full swing . This will come in handy when you schedule your classes fom year to year. Get to know the teachers. Check with students to see what the teachers are requiring so you can be prepaired. Go expecting to be challenged.


I would apply for numerous scholarships and grants as possible, my advice would be to make sure I stay very well organized, determined, stay positive , being focus, and studying and writing for college is a necessity. Spend less money and stay away from the loans, and credit cards, and excessive spending. Prepare and challenge yourself. And my main goal would be to graduate in top of my class. Make sure I get a Bachelor degree. I would stay around positive people as well. Listen to all adults advice.


I would tell myself not to skip class because it isn't like high school where if you miss it's not really a big deal, just make up the work and you're done. If you miss a class in college, you miss valuable lectures and class disussions that would help you out significantly on the tests. There isn't a whole lot of homework so it makes it tempting to skip class, but don't skip. It's not worth it and you're paying them to teach you so why would you not show up? I would tell myself that the tests are a lot harder than they are in high school and to study as soon as you get the material instead of cramming the night before. That doesn't work like it does in high school. There is a lot more material and it's more of do you really understand the material, more practical uses of the material instead of just reciting what the teacher said.


stay focus because it will pay off in the future. Remain yourself always never change for anyone.


If I coiuld go back to advise myself when I was in high school, I would tell myself to relax. It would have been nice to know that I don't have to be responsible for everyone and everything. It would have been nice to know that there would be a day when I wouldn't have to help pay my parents bills. It would have been nice to know that my siblings were going to be ok when I left for college. In general, I could have really benefited from knowing how to relax, and knowing that the world wouldn't stop when I started to take care of myself and nopt everyone else.