You have to pick a school that is right for you. You have to apply yourself by putting 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} into your education. Don't wait and go today.
I would not just look at one college. Try to get as many scholarships for at least three different schools. By doing this you can simply weigh out the positives and negatives at all three schools. This in return will allow you to make a good decision regarding the college you plan to attend.
Dear prospective students/or parent,
The right college should be determined first most by the quality of the faulty and real world experience of which the faulty have. Next would be the cost of the education at the university. After those two most important attributes would fall; the living situation of the student (on-campus vs. off-campus living) , quality of university buildings/classrooms, physical aesthetics, distance from parents, and helpfulness of university administration.
The college experience should be well balanced with both social and educational situations. Universities allow students to expand both mentally as well as socially. Study hard, and play hard. Join as many university extracurricular activities as you can without impacting your grades. This is done for two reasons. Firstly to allow new students to meet people/develop new friendships, and secondly to allow you to take a break from your studies.
To talk to students who have been through the program you will be applying for. To only go to school if you know your ready to commit to a big responsibility. To go to a school that will help you with scholarships, or that has an abundant amount of scholarships available. To always look for what is more convienant and affordable for you.
I really dont know. I would say chose the school that offers the degree you want to excel in and try to be involved in the school activities. Don't be shy, try to make many friends while you are there. Don't forget to study and finish all work that is given to you to inable you to became better in your degree. Find a school that offers financial aid and make sure that you understand the terms of the financial aid that is offered. Just get out there and enjoy.
To students looking for the right college I would like start of saying that the single most important thing to picking a college is being prepared. Make sure to be involved in anything you can at school and always work to keep your grades top notch. If you do this you have that many more colleges to pick from. When you begin to look at colleges forget what your friends are doing, they should be irrelevant when it comes to picking colleges because their needs from college may be 180 degrees different than yours. Also try not to worry about the cost to much because it might sway your decision in the wrong direction, when in the end, you will be more than able to pay your debts. However, if you took your highschool days very seriously this WON'T be problem. If you are one of the lucky ones who knows exactly what they want then choosing a major isn't a problem but, if you aren't, don't be discouraged just take it easy your first year and see whats out there. I hate to use such a cliche but the the possibilities are literally endless.
Do your research!
Make sure you let your child go for what they want. If they fail at their dream, they have the satisfaction of knowing they tried. If they fail at your dream, they know they were dragged down. Always try to ask existing students of the college how the college has treated them
I would tell the future college student to make the most of the college experience. Make lots of friends and particapate in college activities, clubs and groups. The friends that you make in college will be with you for a life time. Also, college is a once in a lifetime experience, don't let it stress you out and make it less fun than it can be.