UC Davis is always evolving. Students run many of the businesses on campus and between that and the student government they are able to keep the campus changing with the needs of the students. Many of the students are active in government because they realize that they can help be a part of the process and that this can lead to politics as a career. Students know that they can affect change in our world. Sitting by not doing anything isn't the life at UC Davis. Life is meant to be challenged and meant to be lived. The students at UC Davis are active and getting ready to take the world head on.
There is a lot of partying going on in UCD, more than a lot of people may know. Most of the struggle in classes isn't knowing the material but competing with peers, so there is a lot of misleading information that goes around especially if you're a transfer and hadn't had a chance to develop a large pool of friends before classes. UCD students are also naive. The city itself, since it's a small, and I emphasis SMALL, the students and the school are enclosed in a "bubble", where the real world, politics and issues just seem like another distant story. Being close to the capital doesn't help either. It's feels like a small city trying to compete with the big city to say, "I'm as bad ass as you. I party, drink, and think as good as you" but at the same time the city has it's nose held high mumbling "This is MY world, for students, by students, and our opinions and issues are of the utmost importance".
I love UC Davis and am sad to be graduating soon, but I know my time here has been the best!
Davis is pretty tight, I really like it here. The DC is ok - pretty repetitive but fairly high quality. Oh, and if you're coming here for the hot ladies, that's a bad move. Seriously. Go to UCSB or something if that's what you're lookng for.
Davis is so fun and an unique experience. People are amazing!
I really love Davis, but a lot of people are not politically conscious.
Do not drive for highest grades. Enjoy the moment that God gave you.
This is the best time to attend UC Davis. For a long time Davis has been well-renowned for its superb academic programs across the disciplines, but was hidden behind its better-known sisters Berkeley and UCLA. But over the past few years--thanks a lot to big sports wins over Stanford, but also to continued advances in scientific and medical research, increased public and private funding, and high rankings in US News and World Report (42, national) and Washington Monthly (8, national)--UC Davis has been garnering more national attention. It won't be long before people actually know what you're talking about when you say you go to UC Davis. You can get in on the metaphorical ground floor and help build the campus and its image for the future, and be a part of one of the best institutions in the world (yes, we're that good).
UC Davis is not a "farm school," Davis is not a "cow town," and there are plenty of things to do here.
The Davis Police Department has a reputation for racial profiling, though I have never witnessed this personally, nor do I know anyone who has (I'm white). It has received some coverage in the campus newspaper, and students organized a march from campus to the police station to protest the alleged profiling. In my time here I have never had a run-in with the police, nor do I know anyone who has. Make of this what you want.