University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of California-Los Angeles? Why?


The worst thing about UCLA is the racist climate, at times, made by predominantly culturally-insensitive caucasian students towards minority racial and religious groups. This has been the topic of debate the past years I have been there since there has been numerous racially charged incidents and the chancellor has either dismissed these claims or addressed them in a passive and non-impactful manner. Besides these incidents I love being at UCLA I just wish students were more culturally and religiously aware without being so judgemental and ignorant.


The population - it's almost so big that introverts like me just get overwhelmed and instead of racking up a huge friends list on Facebook of college acquaintances, you end up only meeting a few people in just a handful of your classes.


I feel that difficult dialogue is not encouraged at our school and conformity is encouraged instead of intellectual discussion. Forums for debate are few and far between and most students are hardly ideologically challenged. I feel students would be able to grow more academically, emotionally, and spiritually if students were encouraged to challenge their set beliefs and opened their minds up to novel schools of thought.


The worse thing about UCLA is the hills that the school is built on. These hills cause parking to be nearly impossible to find, for biking and scootering to be hindered especially while travelling between campus and the dorms, and for skateboarding to be dangerous to both the skateboarder and the pedestrians. The hills lessen the amount of students that live in the dorms to go into the city because they don't want to go back up. The hills force people who don't want to exercise to do so just to get to their classes.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of diversity.


The worst thing about this school is the extreme amount of competition. While it is great to study, many students seem to do nothing else but study. It is an overall stressful and serious environment, where most students are completely focused on academics, with little room for much else. As a result of grade curves, many students are reluctant to help one another or to work together, making UCLA a hostile environment at times.


Although my school can boast about its diversity racially, it feels like all the students are still clumped up into their own races. I feel this is the worst thing about my school. Since the population is great, people need to find people that they have most in common with and usually this is race. I konw for a fact that this was the case for me. This is the worst part because although UCLA boasts of diversity, people are still deprived of learning about another's background and lessening the differences between one another.


To tell you the truth, I absolutely love UCLA, so this is a very difficult question for me. I do have to admit though that pretty much every day when I walk to class, there is always someone trying to either get me to join a club, talk to be about a controversial topic like religion, or talk to me about some cause or other. This can get a bit annoying, especially if you are in a hurry to get to class and the person trying to talk to you gets angry with you for not listening.


Honestly, there aren't any extremely negative things about UCLA that I have noticed thus far. But if I had to choose, it would be that the major I am interested in, Communication Studies, is very competitive and hard to get into.


I love UCLA, the campus, the students, and the professors. There is nothing bad about my school that particularly stands out to me. However, tuition costs are high here and signing up for classes is difficult because of the sheer amount of students that attend this university.