University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of California-Los Angeles? Why?


Since now, I have not experienced or know of anyhing worst about my school.


The worst thing about my school is that everyone is very competitive and secretively trying to get ahead. No one volunteers information--you have to find out pieces of information yourself. It is very important to be pro-active, because otherwise, you are simply a student going to school, nothing else.


Because there are so many aspects to UCLA, it can seem that funding and support of the university are focused in certain areas and not in others. For example, athletes at UCLA get so many benefits including some that don't have anything to do with athletics. Also, because the school is so big, getting necessary clasees can be difficult especially for popular majors such as political science.


In part of being a big school, it seems there is a lack of guidance and counselors available for students who need it and want it without going out of their way. In order for students to get help from a counselor, they have to be extremely persistent and on top of things. If someone needs help, they're probably not exactly on top of things. I had to learn to just search and find everything online and figure it out myself.


At UCLA the students have an intensity they bring to everything they do. While this is an asset in the classroom, it can be a detrimental part of the social life. The thing that most frustrates me as a student at UCLA is that it seems that all most people do is study excessively or party and drink until they can't see straight. So for me, the worst thing about my school is that it can be hard to find someone with whom you can just go to the beach and talk about life.


Some on-campus housing is anywhere from a 10-30 minute walk from parts of campus, and it is uphill both ways.


Many people find UCLA to be too big for them, which may be overwhelming.


There isnt much not to like about my school. The only thing that bothers me, is that some ethnicities tend to hangout only with their crowd. I want them to have an open mind and meet new people, from different reaces.


The worst thing about my school is that some of the professor there are to focused on research and don't dedicate enough time to the classes that their teaching. This leads to some classes that aren't worth the tuition because they are secondary in the professors mind.


crowded and competitive. hard to obtain work, volunteer, internship positions.