The kind of person who doensn't care about school definately shouldn't attend here because it is so difficult to keep up with all the work.
Someone who prefers small classrooms
The only type of person who should not go to UCLA is a person who doesn't care about their education. UCLA is a school for intellectuals to share their knowledge and learn from others. A person who is not openminded and who doesn't strive for excellence should not apply. UCLA prides itself on diversity and having a student population of people from all over the world, a person who is not willing to accept these fantastoc traits should not be apart of the student body.
I don't think UCLA would be a good school for students with disabilities because there are plenty of hills.
The class sizes are generally big, especially the pre-requisites such as chemistry and math. If you want extra attention and guidance, you have to work for it. Therefore, people who need a lot of help but are too afraid to ask for it or look for the answers themselves should not attend UCLA because they will get lost in the sheer mass of students.
Those who are not academically driven should not attend this school. I know of several students who will study on weekends and make little parties of them, and if one is not willing to devote sometime to their future career by investing thoughtfully in education, he or she should not attend this school. Having said that, there are a lot of resources to help one in classes, so this school is basically for everyone. Furthermore, I would testify to a high degree of diversity (in race, interests, views, etc.) on campus.
If you're the type of person who is looking for an academically nurturing environment, in which professors and administrators are willing to hold your hand through the learning process, then UCLA is not the place for you. Here, you are sure to participate in fascinating, cutting-edge research and attend classes taught by some of the most intelligent and successful people in their fields. However, it's a bit of a sink-or-swim environment, which can be a little overwhelming for timid students.
Someone is does not like a big school and large general education classes should not attend UCLA. Furthermore, you yourself must work to get yourself aquainted with your professors, seeing as sometimes classes can hold up to 500 students in lecture halls. You must make the initiative to go to office hours and interact with professors who will assist you in your respective field. Therefore UCLA is also not for non-ambitious people.
To be a UCLA student, one must have initiative. A big public university is a bureaucratic system. School officials never think about what's best for an individual student; they act in the interest of efficiency. Here, students are just components of the university machine. If you aren't prepared to be aggressive about geting to know professors, securing spots in popular classes, and seeking out information on how to fulfill graduation requirements, this isn't the place for you.
Anyone that is not used to having to work hard for excellent grades will have a very difficult time at UCLA. The university provides you with an amazing education and you most definitely have to put quite a bit of effort into your studies to excel.