University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of California-Los Angeles know before they start?


I would tell myself to start with one science class a quarter and find a job you like. I would say don't feel afraid to ask questions because you think its a dumb question to ask. Find a professor you like and go to his/her office hours and try to talk to them. Don't stress out and just enjoy college and do what makes you happy. Find a academic medical club as a freshman and stick to it. Don't be afraid to meet new people and if you meet some weird or mean people just be nice but drop them and meet other people.


Relax and try not to get too stressed about the work. It may seem overwhelming at first, but somehow you will always manage to get everything done. Get out and experience all that college life has to offer. Make new friends, form study groups, and make use of the fields, gym, and swimming pools to help you relax and rejuvenate yourself. Spend time wandering the campus and getting to know where everything is. Maybe choose a special, scenic spot and make it your own place to go just to get outside and watch your fellow students. Get to know your professors and teacher aides; this will help you immensely if you need assistance with your class work. Most of all, enjoy your college years to their fullest!


Sophie, you have every right to enjoy yourself in college. You have graduated high school as the top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and now, you are attending your dream school. It is the last few years before you reach full adulthood and take full responsibility; but, the reality is that for you to gain admittance into medical school, you need the highest GPA you can achieve. If it means sacrificing time to go shopping, watching a movie premier, or attending a concert with friends in order to ace an exam, it must be done. Medical school only accepts the most brilliant out of hundreds of excellent students. To be worthy of the title of a doctor, you must dedicate many hours of your college life to your studies and volunteer work. Do not live your college years regretting that you should have studied harder or sought after more extracurricular opportunities. Live with your goal always in mind. Always. Never lose sight of it, because you know you want to be a doctor. You just need to prove yourself that you are worthy. But have fun! Be social, and you will meet some very considerate, genuine, and bright people. Good luck, Sophie!


With the knowledge that I now have, I would tell my high school self to enjoy my time in high school more and worry less about the future. The future is very important, of course, but during high school, I would sometimes wish that I could be out of high school and already in college so that I could have more independence. But now that I am in college, I miss high school. I participated in numerous activities in high school and enjoyed all of them, but I could have potentially enjoyed them more if I had not been as focused on the future and if I had lived in the moment. Sadly, I cannot go back in time, so in an attempt to solve the situation, I now live in the moment and focus on the future in appropriate times, but I will not make it my sole priority because I know that I have a life to live right now in this very moment, and it is something that I have been blessed with, so I should definitely enjoy it.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would not change a thing. However, I would mention to myself to remain ambitious in the career path I still wish to follow. The Biology major is not easy but it is worthwhile. My dream is and always will be to become a pediatrician and attend a medical school in four years. With this still in mind I am confident that my high school self will do fine. I will also tell myself that I did the right thing in choosing to attend the University of California, Los Angeles. The school is amazing and the people are friendly. The transition to college is not that easy but it is manageable. I will just reassure myself that with ambition and hard work I will do fine at UCLA. I would lastly thank myself for not giving up and doing everything up that point. The future is bright. Never give up is the best advice I can give myself but I would not change a thing because everything since then has made me who I am now.


The advice I would give to myself would be to make sure to research opportunities available to students to earn a Master's degree, simultaneously while earning a Bachelor's degree. Doing this would have been helpful to me, since I would have saved a lot of money and time. Not only would I have saved these limited resources, but I would have been ahead of the curve in terms of being prepared for a career than other students who would only earn a Bachelor's degree. Another piece of advice I would give to myself is when taking a math or quantitave analysis class is to practice and practice, until I knew how to solve the problems as easily as I can write my name. The final piece of advice would be to sell my Xbox, so as to minimize any distractions.


If I could go back in time to my senior year in high school I would tell myself to prepare for a world far bigger than the one I was living in at the time. As a senior in a small town I was too busy having fun instead of considering my future. I would inform myself about what it means to have financial responsibilities. I would tell myself about the importance of college and the need to apply myself to get better grades. I believe the biggest thing I would tell myself would be listen to my mother, make plans for the future and go straight to college right out of high school. Now I am 32 years old finding my-self in college with a family to take care of and it is not as easy as it would have been fourteen years ago.


There are so many pieces of advice I would give to my high school self. Firstly, I would tell myself to have confidence in who I am. In high school, I was so afraid that certain people wouldn't like me that I stuck to my close friends and rarely ventured out to meet new people. Rejection is not the worst thing that could happen to me, but the high school me certainly thought so. Be outgoing and say what is on your mind because that is the best way to make friends. Secondly, take more initiative. In high school, everything is simplified and spoon-fed to you. In college, you are on your own. It is your responsibility to join clubs, get involved, and be aware of the numerous opportunities around you. The information is there. Ignorance is not an excuse. Open your eyes and look around every once in a while. If you don't, you may miss out on ways to make your college expererience better than you could have ever imagined.


I woul tell myself to not be afraid to be myself. There are so many different types of people out there, and hiding my true personality so that I can fit into a certain mold only hinders me from making friends with people who I really am compatible with. I would also tell myself to take risks, and join a lot of different organizations so that I can meet other people who have the same interests as me.


I have enjoyed my first two years of college so much. I would tell my high school self that there is nothing to be afraid of, that college is a great learning experience. I would tell myself not to look down upon going to community college, because I had excellent teachers, good friends, and I volunteered with my school. You will still have a "real" college experience at a two year school, and the price is much better than going to a university for four years. I would tell my high school self to work hard in your studies and to not give up! This is very important because there will be some classmates around you that do not care about school, but make friends with the ones that are serious about academics. This year, I am transferring to UCLA, but will carry all the knowledge and wisdom that I learned at El Camino College.