I would tell myself to be aware that being a science major at UCLA is very cut throat and difficult. I would either go to a different school or just start as an art history major and minor in something. UCLA is very competitive compared to high school and I need to be aware of that before jumping into everything.
Be sure to set a list of goals for each quarter, including things involving both my academic and personal life.
Don't be afraid to try new things by yourself. Go to a club meeting or a movie screening alone and introduce yourself to new people.
Decide on my personal policy regarding drug and alcohol use and stick to it! Even though it may seem like everyone is drinking or smoking, there is always at least one other person who isn?t. Chances are, you will be better friends with them because of the commonalities you share.
The advice I would give is to prepare yourself academically. More specifically, build strong writing skills and develop good study habits. What sets university apart from high school is that you have to be self-motivated. Everything rests on you. There are no teachers to constantly watch over you or regular deadlines and assignments to make sure that you are on task. Attendence is also not mandatory for many classes. Therefore, YOU have to keep up with the readings and work on your own. If you fail to do so, your grades will suffer.
College is the time to truly explore and relish in the academic insights expressed by your professors and classmates. Now, more than any other time in your life, can you explore the opportunities given to you. In a university where everyone seems to want to become a doctor or lawyer, you need to be able to go against the grain and find what you are truly passionate about. Take classes that interest you and you will become more academically stimulated and driven. College is about preparing you for the future but that statement is not rarified to a career alone-you must be mentally at ease when you leave college and feel that the experience you had in terms of the classes you took, the clubs you were involved in, or the connections you made with other students and teachers were meaningful in your development as a person. Entering college can be daunting, especially at a large-scale institution such as UCLA; however, it can be as big or as small as you want it to be. As long as you are passionate about what you do and who you are, the opportunities to succeed can become a tangible reality.
I would tell myself to apply for anything and everything you are interested in because you never know who will accept you. Dont doubt have every right to be there just like the other students who are accepted. Lastly, dont let money determine your choices, and dont let anyone else make your choices for you.
Don't sweat applying to other colleges. You'll get into UCLA just like you wanted to. Just be wise about what you do there. Do plays and movies no matter what. And find a way to stay in touch with nature in that big, smog filled city. You know you won't be going out partying much, but you expected that. Just keep focused. UCLA is definately the place for you.
I would say Kelley, the world is much bigger than you could ever dream, I understand it was difficult to support your mom and yourself through high school, but you better get ready to experience life. Be ready for dealing with heart break, striving for academic excellence, working with fortitude, and remaining focused on what you want. Some times you will fail, you may become distracted or loose your course, so the most important thing to maintain is a positive and focused outlook on life. Try new things and do your best to stay open to others perspectives, do not judge others while remembering that you are your own worst critic. Stay active, play and intermural sport or try hiking or surfing! Study abroad as much as you can and see the world, discover new cultures and people, because that is what ultimately allows you to find your identity. Actively learn instead of just cramming for the exams, make life long friends, and try to find peace within yourself. Do not worry about being successful or conquering the world, because all you have is the day before you to do your best to make your dreams come true.
College will be probably one of the most extraordinary steps in life that can either be a good experience or a poor memory. One of the things you must realize is that now you have control over all of your time and time is the key for succeeding. The material in college is difficult but all of the work that you have done in high school pays off because now you have a background so bring out the high school notes and refresh because it will help. Manage your time carefully. Friends and people all around will want to hang out but you have to know when to say yes and when to thank the offer but concentrate on homework. Partying if done safely can be awesome, and a word to the wise no drug or alcoholic beverage will make it better. People end up in pretty nasty situations due to that stuff so stay away. Join clubs, try new things and exercise because a healthy body is an active mind. Enjoy the independence and demonstrate to yourself that you can be responsible and that you're ready to make this the best time of your life.
If I could go back, I would tell my senior self to enjoy high school and my family while they were still around. I would tell myself to look more intently at the different options for degrees and also to look into as many scholarships and grants as possible. I would tell myself to get excited for the experience of college and tell myself to stop worrying about my roommate and whether or not I will make new friends.
I would give myself this advice:
Keep working hard and you will do well in college. Keep reading too so that you can keep up with the daily assignments. It will be hard to make new friends at such a large school, but don?t be afraid to reach out to new people and talk to them. College can be a lot of fun, so get involved in as many activities as you can so that you can have fun and meet new people. Just remember that you can do anything you put your mind to with a little hard work and a lot of perseverance. Don?t let the obstacles in your life get in the way of your success. Go out into the world and follow your dreams.