University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of California-Los Angeles know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to make the most of all of my classes. Knowledge is essential to achieve success, and if one is able to gain adequate knowledge in every subject matter, success is not only attainable, but inevitable. Most seniors in high school focus more on applying to college and planning their future than they do on their classes. I did the same, and hence only worked hard for the classes I was interested in, Math and Physics. Now that I have taken college-level general education classes, such as Political Science and History, I realize that even though they are not crucial to my major, they play an essential role in shaping the way I think. I believe such classes enhance the students' ability to view the world and even themselves with different perspectives. This expansion of knowledge helps one approach concepts and problems in different ways, and hence gives the person an advantage when finding solutions to these problems. If high school students realize this and gain maximum knowledge, they would be able to make better decisions early in life.


If I would be allowed to go back in time and talk to my "high school self", I would tell myself to not stress out so much about the future and to not worry about my life's decisions. In high school, I would spend weeks worrying about my future until I rendered myself unable to sleep or eat. Now that I have selected a college to attend and I am almost finished with my first quarter at UCLA, I would tell my past self to realize that whether or not it is clear to you at this moment, everything always works out in the end somehow, and that life is random and wonderful and will surprise you. There is no set path to follow in life, and the very best you can do is to deal with the time that is given to you and follow your heart, because if you are motivated, passionate and willing to take every opportunity that comes your way, there is no other option for you but to succeed.


College is really about growing up, finding what makes me feel joy and fulfillment as you find a dream or work towards a dream. I wish I could've assured myself to not be afraid and to take risks. Healthy risks are a part of life and are what moves you forward in life. I should have known that I could have taken more advanced placement tests to have higher priority in class enrollment as well as helpful background knowledge in the classes I'm currently taking. I also would advise myself to truly understand what it means to be involved and to truly want to be involved. In college, volunteering gives you experience and knowledge for future fields you might go into as well as a sense of fulfillment that mere studying cannot provide. Truly knowing yourself, your interests, and your capability of handling different and challenging changes, situations, and environments will determine how successful and happy you are-not just getting good grades.


If I could go back, I would tell myself that stress gets you nowhere, and that whatever may happen you have to keep moving forward. If something goes wrong it can be fixed. If you have given your best effort in achieving your goals, then you should be proud of that, and a letter grade should not keep you from happiness. A grade is not a reflection of your intellect or worth, but rather a subjective entity that must be accepted and utilized so that a life lesson has been taught to you, if nothing else. College seems very scary, and it is rather intimidating, but many before you have succeeded in obtaining a college degree, and many will after you. You are every bit as capable as them, and I believe that you can do this. You need to have more confidence in yourself. As for moving away, the dorms are scary because you have to move away from home, but your still just as much a part of the family as before, and moving away will not change that. It's a part of growing up. And finally, know that epilepsy cannot stop you from achieving your goals.


I would encourage myself to go to college and to get my degree without looking at the difficulties. I am a walking proof that it is possible to get an education, to have a high GPA and to receive a scholarship even when you have children. I was able to rich my goals so far and I am hoping for the best in my scholastic years.


I would tell myself not to take my home for granted. I know that when I was in high school i was hell bent on getting out of my hometown. What I didn't realize was how different it would be without my family there. I come from a large family and not having them there makes me nervous sometimes and when i cannot see them for months at a time I get sad. So, I would remid myself of where I came from and to keep in touch with my family back home.


I would tell myself to realx, and roll with the punches. I would advise myself to read ALL of the material that I am given. Iwould also tell myself to network at all times, you never know what or who someone knows just by looking at them. Take your course load seriously, and ask for help when you need it.


Do not think college is like high school where you study hard and then do well on tests. Here, tests are purposely made hard in order to separate those who can think critically and those who show that they truly understand the material covered in class. Don't be afraid to ask for help from others who know more because you are not one of the smartest ones here anymore. Nonetheless, you do have more free time for yourself since classes don't span 7-8 hours per day. College is the ultimate setting to meet new people and build your social life. This social life can be either positive or negative in the way it affects your academics which is your top priority. The choices you make in your social life will determine this. Just be smart about it. Be very worried about your money because dorming on campus is very expensive, and you are compelled to dorm because of where you live and horrendous traffic. However, do not sacrifice your education for anything--even if it brings substantial financial obligations in the future because I know you can pull through and achieve your greatest goals.


Don't rush into things. Take everything slowly so that you don't regret acting too impulsively.


Dear Viktoriya, You are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your life! You have absolutely made the right decision in choosing UCLA as the place that you are about to spend the next four years at. Go ahead and do absolutely everything that you have time for while you are at the school of your dreams. Some of the things that I love doing are participating in the events that are put on by my sorority, going to the gym, attending athletic events, seeing the performing arts, going to the Sunset Reacreation pool, and volunteering in the myriad of clubs that are offered on campus. This place is so amazing. Words cannot do justice in professing my love for UCLA. Every aspect of it takes my breath away: the friends that I have made here, the beauty of the campus, the opportunities that I am going to have in graduating with a degree with such a high-powered name attached. Enjoy every day! With lots of love and GO BRUINS! Viktoriya