University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known what kinds of AP classes to take in high school so that they would transfer over as credits here. I would also have wanted to know to be a bit more open minded about different offerings here at school such as the unique activities.


When I started school, I wish that I would have known more about how to work my computer. Throughout my time at school, I have learned how to do many new things on my computer, but it always takes alot of time to figure out how to do something new that I need to do for school. If I had better computer skills before beginning school, it would have saved me alot of time on projects that could have been spent studying.


Before I came to UCLA, I wish I would have know how different college is from high school. In college, you make your own schedule, you are more independent, and you have so much freedom. I wish i would have known that UCLA is extremely competitive and challenging. Every day is an obstacle where you have to continue striving for that career of choice. I came here thinking college would be fun but I never considered how hard it could be. Everyone at UCLA is extremely intelligent and on their way for accomplishing goals for that better future.


Before arriving to UCLA, I wish I had known how much more disciplined I have to be with school, work, clubs, and how to balance personal and family time on a regular basis. I also wish I had known ahead of time how the process of picking classes went because orientation was really stressful. I wish I had known that tuition would increase, without warning, at an alarming rate in a matter of months entering my first quarter. I also wish I had been more informed about the campus, the events, and what special programs the school offers.


My personal feeling is that regrets, which are feelings that the future is limited by the past, are thoughts that are simply not worth having. I believe that what we perceive as mistakes are vitally important steps in the process of learning and self discovery that constitutes life. Frustrations, disappointments, or uncomfortable surprises are like teachers that are there to alert us to our own preconceived notions that limit our ability to accept life and make the most of it. Sincerely, I don?t wish I had known anything before I learned it; that's what makes the journey meaningful!


I wish I had known how to better balance my class and work schedule. Since it was my first time getting a job while being a full-time student at a university, I was not well aware of the challenge that I faced while taking rigorous courses and working about 12-14 hours a week.


That I was less prepared than everyone else, and that if I wanted to really succeed with my math major I needed to work night and day since I was so behind.


How to get to know your professor on a personal level in such a large classroom setting.


I wish I had realized the importance of creating and maintaining social networks with more peers and professors. As I near graduation, I realize that these casual connections are the keys to getting a foot in the door for various career arenas. Furthermore, the pressure for finding a job right after graduation is accentuated by the large amount of debt I have accumulated; had I been more aware my financial responsibilites, and how to save and manage the funds I was receiving, I may not be under such financial stress.


I wish I knew the amount of worked that a student has to put in to get a good grade here. This university's education level is way beyond what I was used to in high school. In high school I was able to just breeze through, without learning much, yet still getting straight A's