University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Before coming to this school, I wish I had known just how competitive students are academically. Throughout high school teachers are constantly warning students to prepare themselves for the workload of college courses and to not expect to be at the top of the class anymore, but I was never too worried about that. As long as you manage your time well and keep your priorities in order, you will do great and still be able to have a social life. It's all about finding balance between class, work, and friends and fun!


Expected accumulative progress, expectations from the university, and and understanding of grades and exams scored based on a curve.


I wish I would have checked more in to the majors offered at UCLA; I was really undecided in high school about majors and I wish I would have picked a school that offered a little more diverse majors in business.


I wish I had known how much of an impact taking a lot of advanced placement tests have on my enrollment times for classes.


I wish I had known how to better manage my time and how to study effectively. Although I already knew of the high caliber of students here, knowing that we are all to some extent in the same situation is a comfort I didn't have before I started school at UCLA. I also wish I had known that self-confidence is incredibly helpful and all you can do is give a class your best effort. All of this I wish I had known from the very beginning.


I wish i had the opportunity to get more financial assitance for this school. Prior to attending this university, i had few guidance in my high school about the many scholarship opportunities. My high school consisted of only one college counselor, who was at times difficult to reach. I would here about some scholarship opportunities, but I often felt discouraged to apply because i felt that my GPA wasn't high enough or that my family socio-economic level was not good . Now i regret not applying to the few scholarships i knew about.


I wish I had realized a good GPA is good for more than just getting into med school. After I decided not to go to med school I slacked off for a while.


I wish I knew to GET INVOLVED sooner! There are so many extracurricular opportunities available here, and it's best to start exploring early.


That the social life isn't really about socializing. It's about being seen and falling into the peer-pressure hole.


You have to be more outgoing than usual.