University of California-San Diego Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best things about UCSD are the location and the fact that our professors are usually in the middle of research assignments. Being close to the beach in southern California is definitely nice, and the weather is gorgeous year round. But our professors teaching us what they are currently working on allows us to be on the forefront of new discoveries.


I consider the UCSD environment to be it's best thing because what really defines a good college experience is not academics but the people you meet and the memories you make. UCSD is located a 10 min drive to the beach and La Jolla is a beautiful place. The people are as nice as the weather in La Jolla and I really had a great first year of college because the people I met are geniune, nice and funny. They really helped me define myself more.


It is really competitive and it will motivate you to do well in school. There are so many people here for the same thing you are, and it gives you something in common with them. Many of my friends are in my major, and we help each other out.


I really like how my school is split into 6 smaller colleges, each with its own GE requirements. Students who enroll in this school get to pick which college they like best. I find this very effective because it feels like I can take GE courses that revolve around my major.


UCSD is very academically focused and there are not too many distractions.


Diversity is the Key




i consider the entire environment to be great, it is not too loud, but not too quiet; it is study worthy environment anywhere on campus. Besides the noise level being perfect, the view is beautiful as well, the view of the beach.


Studying, everyone loves it.


The environment--it's both a beautiful area, and the people are extremely engaging.