University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of California-Santa Cruz?


Students at UCSC are often characterized as hippies, tree-huggers and liberals. They students dress funny, smell funny and they do not eat meat. Too many of the students are laid back, they do not care about grades and always smoke weed. There are two dynamics that you would have to get used to if you were a student--the southern california element and the northern california element. There seems to be a competition posed by NorCal students that believe it is better than southern california. Each student tried to distance them the other and you can distinctly tell who is from the South and the North by the way that they dress.


A lot of people think that UCSC students are potheads, partiers, and hippies. There is also a common-held belief that UCSC students aren't the brightest students.


Some stereotypes about students include the fact that EVERYONE smokes pot and/or does hard drugs at least on a weekly basis. the UCSC way of life is basically chill out as much as possible, and pass your classes. People are political and when they care about a cause, they're committed. Many people here are laid back and don't really sweat the small stuff. Students from UCSC would probably say the campus is full of LIBERAL hippies, VEGETARIANS/VEGANS, lesbians and "science geeks." Same goes for people in the city of Santa Cruz. When one hear the words UCSC, what may come to mind are hippies walking around barefoot, perhaps eating leaves from a bush. Facebook groups have been created under the impression that people at UC Santa Cruz don't shower/shower only once a week. I have gotten "UCSC is a summer camp!" The air is pretty clean. UCSC is not diverse! People think that there aren't any other ethnicities of people that go here..there are but it's very limited. People also think that many of the students who go here are wealthy as apparently this is the second most expensive UC to come to. UCSC students are often characterized as being the rejects of other UCs such as SB, SD, LA and Berkeley. Because UCSC is divided into a "college system" there are often stereotypes that are attached to the students affilated with certain colleges. One's I've heard: College Nine and College Ten: College Nineteen (denoting that the two colleges are one entity and do not have separate identities, which they do.) preppy,"Abercrombie/Hollister type" kids are supposedly attracted to this college. Nerdy asians. everyone here is from southern california. The colleges are referred to as the UCSC country club as they are the newest on campus. best thing about college nine and ten is they have the international living center, where all the cool international kids stay. plus the colleges are in prime real estate: the center of campus, literally close to everything important Crown: science geeks, emo/loner kids. everyone here is a bio/physics/engineering, etc. major. it's cold i.e. people aren't too friendly with each other. people keep to themselves. Merrill: largest hispanic population aside from oakes college. many lesbians reside here. "sterile merrill"-i'm not sure exactly what this means but I have heard that people there do so many drugs they're apparently "sterile". has a nice koi pond and garden. Cowell-best food on campus, oldest/worst dorms, the epitome of white america. unusual to see anyone here who isn't blond haired, blue-eyed. one of the best views of the bay. Stevenson-Jewish student's dream (everyone there is jewish). nicest apartments on campus. core course is a kiiller since it's all year as opposed to everyone else's one quarter course. Kresge-the hippie college. trailer park is on kresge grounds so the trailer park residents kinda get lumped in with hippies. again, lots of white people but a few other people of color. Porter-hippie college #2. art and theater are HUGE here. this college probably has the highest concentration of people smoking pot at any given time over the other colleges. sucky dorms, even worse bathrooms. don't forget your shower shoes unless you want to get foot fungus! College 8-sister college to cowell. lots of white people. a bunch of environmentalists. people that didn't know which college to choose are here. an odd ratio of more girls to boys at the college Oakes-in the boonies of UCSC. The most "diverse" of all of the colleges, primarily because probably 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the Black and hispanic populations of the school live there. a lot of "cool" asians are here as well. white people seem to stick out like a sore thumb. Oakes is somewhat seen as the reject college, or the college the school didn't want to build because people are racist and that's what most of the minority populations were attracted to.


The stereotypes about UCSC students include being very politically activist, liberal, hippie, pot smoking people who enjoy the forest.


That it is not a rigorous school and that it is full of hippies.


everyone cliams there's stereotypes, but I would rather ignore those and pay attention to the individual.


UCSC is often stereotyped as a party school full of hippies and liberals


they're hippies. they all smoke pot


rich, white nad stoners


Hippies, liberals.