The students there are all focused on their education as far as I recall. they are nice, welcoming, and very helpful.
The students at this school vary in great intensity, with 60000 students attending 12 campuses the largest student body is at the main campus. You have all ranges of clubs from Mechanical Engineering (The build race cars) to Rugby (2 Time National Champs!) to Larping on Memory Mall.
I have not started yet.
My classmates are very outgoing and determined people. Everyone I know is involved in at least one of our 627 student organizations. There is a passion that exists amongst my fellow Knights that is unparalleled.
There is a myriad of students at my school who range from intelectual to beer.
Most of my classmates tended to be very focused on themselves, or their coursework.
Mostly younger than my own children. You see I turn 60 on November 30, 2014. So this is my challenge to myself to get my degree a Bucket List item if you may!!
Classmates are very friendly, and are helpful if you need help.
My classmates are very success driven individuals with a bright future ahead of them.
My classmates throughout the years have always been a unique and engaging group of people that I can gladly call my friends, and that I wish I had more time with.
Classes have not started yet so I cannot answer this question.
My classmates are amazing people.They are willing to help you out without a problem and will make sure that you understand the content that the professor showed in class. Also if they are not able to help you with the problem, they will refer you to a person or place that can. In addition, my classmates love to hang out and spend some time playing any sport or conversating about any topic.
There are 60,000 students that attend the University of Central Florida. In my opinion there are 3 types of students. There is the homebody student. This student goes to class and goes to their dorm. They do not go out or join clubs. There is the partying student who skips class in the morning because of the party the night before. Then there is the student who can balance class, fun, extracuriculars, and time to relax. All students are smart but not all students manage time wisely.
My classmates are determined, focused but, also know how to have fun.
At the University of Central Florida my classmates are diverse.
My classmates are open to working with new people, and they believe that it is important to collaborate with other people in order to get difficlt assignments done.
My classmates are respectful.
My classmates include some of the most tech savy, technologically inclined, creative, inspirational, fun, inventive, hardworking, loveable, people I have ever met in my entire life.