University of Central Florida Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Central Florida.


UCF is a very diverse school. You are going to be required to interact with diverse students in all of your courses. I personally love this because it opens my eyes to other cultures and views. I don't think any student would feel out of place at UCF. There are some students who like to look their best in class everyday and there are others, like myself, who most of the time like to be comfortable and wear sweats. It doesn't matter what you wear as long as you are happy with it. I think most students at this school are from middle class families. A lot of students rely on financial aid and their jobs to support themselves. There aren't many families who can support their children while in school. Students do discuss how much money they will make one day which is important and most professors will discuss this in their courses.


Many of the students here are very liberal and you are more than likely going to meet so many different types of poeple from so many different backgrounds that you have ever met in you're life and it's great because you get the opportunity to learn and expose yourself to different cultures.


I am pretty sure it is impossible to feel out of place at UCF. I say this because we have about 55,000 students!! There are so many different types of people, you are bound to find at least one other person that is awesome just like you. Think of every stereotype you have ever encountered in your life, and you will find it here, plus more! Most students dress "cute" to class in the first week or two. Then, it slowly turns into sweatpants and t-shirts, or whatever you wore to bed the night before. Honestly, you can wear whatever you want and you'll blend in just fine. I have seen some wacky outfits and nobody gives them any extra attention. In a college setting, you will find that not many different types of students interact. Usually same type students stick with "their kind." I feel like this is just human nature, though. You are supposed to stick with the people who are like you, right? My favorite part of UCF is how diverse it is. We have students from all over the world coming to this school. Take my experience, for example. In the few years that I have been here, I have made friends with kids from New Zealand, Venezuela, Japan, The Phillipines, Germany, India, England, Brazil, France, Pakistan, Vietnam, and the list goes on and on. Most students are from America, yes, but there is such a heavy international influence. It's really cool! The financial background of students varies. You're going to find your typical snobby rich kids but you're also going to find kids that are only getting an education thanks to their scholarship money. I feel like financial differences have never played a part in my relationships, so nothing to worry about there! On whether students are politically aware and active, that's up to you, the student! If you want to be active, there are so many ways to do so, and if you don't.. then don't! Same with political affiliation. It's all up to you! I think that's the coolest part about college. YOU shape the kind of student that you want to be.


There are so many students on this campus, there is somebody from every culture, every race, every religion, every state, lots of different countries, every financial situation, every political affiliation with every different interest in the world.


Everyone you come across on campus is here for one thing, and that is to learn. The classroom atmosphere ranges from comfortable in the lower level classes to more professional in the upper level courses. It all really depends on the professor. During the average day of class in the engineering department, you can find students casually sitting in either atrium hard at work. However, when it comes to presentations and demonstrations, you can bet that UCF's engineering students know it's time to be professional. You can also count on making friends that will be there to help you out with classes and are very interactive to the learning process. Everyone just wants to learn something, be they poor, rich, middle class, republican, democrat, independent, gay, straight, or transgender. I have yet to come across someone who won't put their differences aside to help some one out.


Everyone you come across on campus is here for one thing, and that is to learn. The classroom atmosphere ranges from comfortable in the lower level classes to more professional in the upper level courses. It all really depends on the professor. During the average day of class in the engineering department, you can find students casually sitting in either atrium hard at work. However, when it comes to presentations and demonstrations, you can bet that UCF's engineering students know it's time to be professional. You can also count on making friends that will be there to help you out with classes and are very interactive to the learning process. Everyone just wants to learn something, be they poor, rich, middle class, republican, democrat, independent, gay, straight, or transgender. I have yet to come across someone who won't put their differences aside to help some one out.


As the Diversity Initiatives Coordinator of UCF's SGA I will have to say that along with our school being diverse, we are also very inclusive!


UCF has probably more diversity than Epcot! And that's saying something. With nearly 56,000 students enrolled, it's kind of hard not to appreciate diversity. I don't think anyone would feel out of place simply because there's always going to be a "place" where you fit in, no matter what your interests are.


There are all kids of people that attend UCF. I have see everything from elders to young teens to students that can not speak one word of english. UCF offers a little bit of something for everyone. There is not a specific financial class, race, ethnicity or any of that here, students are spread out over everything possible. It is always fun to meet people from different cultures and share experience. Its amazing what some people have done/ gone through in their lives. It is a experience on its own just talking to people, both students and staff are usually all friendly.


UCF has every type of student


My classmates were friendly, fun, and they each brought their own unique backgrounds that my college experience truly the best time of my life.


The students of UCF all have different backgrounds, standards, and beliefs! All mixed. You ask and you will find.


Friendly, motivated, and excited to be there.


My classmates are very friendly and helpful.


My classmates are under-prepared by Florida's school system, and tend to think that their classes are too hard when in actuality they are extremely easy compared to mid-western schools; nevertheless, they the majority of them become hard workers, learn to deal with hard teachers, and are able to balance academic learning with their social lives.


Work as a team




My classmates were seriously focused and involved when it came to schoolwork.


Having the second highest student population in the nation, the University of Central Florida offers a diversity amoung students, all of whom are willing to acheive a higher education.


My classmates have been helpful when I requested assistance and have always given me feedback when needed by being accomadating even in the largest auditorium sized classroom.