University of Central Florida Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Central Florida.


My classmates are fun to interact with and learn from.


They are competive and hard workers who enjoy learning as much as I do.


My classmates differ somewhat from those in highschool. I realize that in college my classmates have different personalities, their more open minded when it comes to issues and ideas. I realized i was in college when students in class were so open about their issues and were open to all kinds of people, from different backrounds and loved to learn. In highschool people just wanted to graduate but here people like to challenge themselves and learn new lifestyles and challenge all their beliefs and values. College is like a big journey for college students.


My classmates are extremely diverse. They vary in age, gender, ethnicity, etc.


My classmates are plenty, few, loud, quiet, annoying, pleasant, studious, and party animals, but most of all; they are an experience.


my classmates are intelligent and outgoing people who are progressing towards a better them.


My classmates consist of a rather diverse groups of individuals from a plethora of backgrounds and a vast amount of knowledge in order to guide me guidance with things such as personal situations as well as my academic pursuits.




My classmates are very diverse in ethnicity, religous and ecomnomic background, age, interests, etc, however we all have a very strong work ethic and willing to help each other out in and out of the classroom.


For the most part, my classmates are very nice people who are driven for success at UCF; however, many of them lack experience in real-world situations, which is not surprising considering that most of them transitioned directly from high school.