University of Colorado Boulder Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


-College Republicans get a lot of attention. Football players. The crazy group that puts up abortion pictures all the time. -I'm in Phi Alpha Delta, pre-law fraternity. It's a small group of kids who want to know about law school, go to law school and have something good on their resume. -All the time. -Football is huge. We get amazing guest speakers, like Kofi Annan, because our school is so crazy rich. I go to theater events often, but I'm into it. There are people who like everything. The school is big enough that there is someone who likes anything you can think of. -I've never had trouble :) -In the dorms and through other friends I met in the dorms. One of them, I met on the first day of my first class. -Studying or drinking! -4/20 on Farrand Field. CU v CSU football game. Cinco de Mayo. Anything where you can drink to celebrate. -ALL THE TIME -Not very. Most people think they are ridiculous, myself included. Not to say that some nice boys are girls don't join. -Had a party to benefit the Global Fund to Fight Aids. -Movie, bowling, eat out, dancing...whatever you are interested in. -Everything that isn't class.


Thursday nights are crazy at CU so be prepared, don't sign up for any classes early on Friday mornings! At CU the weekends are 3-4 days long.


There are countless activities for anyone who believes in anything can do. The rec center at CU is gigantic (one of the largest on campus rec centers in the country I believe) incuding 2 olimpic sized swimming pools (with 4 high dives), multiple weightrooms, 4 basketball courts, and 4 levels of other fun stuff too! One main Boulder tradition would be the big smoke out on 420. Lots of other fun stuff to, come check it out :)


The Boulder Freeride is a ski/snowboard club on campus, probably the largest club. Quarterly meetings, giveaways, rail jams, ski trips etc. throughout the year. I', involved with the Annex, a Christian student group., where I've met many of my good friends. We go on ski trips, retreats, hikes and there is weekly worship on Tuesday nights. Athletic events are very popular and there is a lot of school pride. Foot ball and Basketball are the biggest. It is easy to party midweek here, a few of the non-engineers in my dorm come in very late 4 or 5 days a week. But again, there's usually something else to do whether that's going to a movie, live performance, skiing, climbing gym . . .


I had really liked the social scene at the CU campus. My experience in the dorms was great. Everyone was very social and we created a very fun community with everyone on the floor. When people were in their rooms, their doors were left open making it very easy to socialize. So easy that it was almost too easy to procrastinate actual school work. It was never hard to find someone to eat with in the dining hall. It seems that my experience is not uncommon. I also met my best friends and current roommates while living in the dorms. Football games are a big event on campus. Other sports have their following but are not as widespread. Fraternities and sororities are not the center of social life on campus. Their presence is definitely felt and they have a following but one can certainly find other things to do than attend frat parties. People party all the time. The biggest nights for parties are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Students under 21 can usually find a house party to go to or they drink in their own dorms or houses. Drinking in the dorms is dangerous because the Resident Assistants (RA's) are constantly on the lookout to bust underage students. Once people turn 21 they usually head to the bars more than house parties. The most popular student organization at Boulder is the Ski and Snowboard Club. I am a part of the Triathlon team. It is a great organization for anyone remotely interested in completing a triathlon. We have some very experienced and accomplished athletes on the team who are more than willing to impart their knowledge. The team welcomes all levels of athletes and is a great resource for the budding triathlete.


Muslim Student Association is the most popular and diverse student group. There are around 300 students groups that you can get involved with. Club Sports is another big one. I am involved with UCSU (student government) and the Environmental Center - both are very influential and AWESOME groups to get involved with. UCSU controls ~$40 million and is based on the federal government. I have gained invaluable experience with UCSU. The E-Center was the first University Environmental Center, had the first recycling program, has an amazing transportation program, and has helped the university to gain the reputation as one of the most sustainale campuses in the US. Dorm life sucks. Either you party (take drugs and drink) or you don't. But at least you can meet cool people, and they may be future roommates. One thing is for sure, DO NOT STAY IN THE DORMS!!! Football games are huge. Guest speakers are huge (Kofi Annan, John Ashcroft...). Theater sucks here. I used to be a theater major, so I know. The only thing that is decent is the annual Shakespeare Festival. But that's it. Dating scene = you meet people when you are drunk at parties or bars. People all want sex sex. Lots of it, too. It was tough coming to CU as a virgin. Nobody wants to date a virgin, that's for sure. The best friends I have met here have been through student organizations. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I am (1) partying (2) campaining (3) studying. Best tradition in Boulder: The Naked Pumpkin Run on Halloween. DO IT!!!! People party here all the damn time. Frats/Sororities are isolated. Lots of bad stereotypes that tend to be reinforced through certain events each year. I have never been to a frat party because I am afraid of frat guys....end of story. And sorority girls are characterized as slutty and stupid. Last weekend I went to Vail. On a Sat. night I will be at a concert. The Fox is a great venue. I am never off campus except when I am sleeping.


We have 32 club sports, a fairly large athletic department and intermurals. There are a lot of people involved in political organizations and outdoor clubs. I am strongly involved in New Era Colorado and the Women's rugby team. The rugby team travels a lot and is ranked seventh in the country for women's rugby teams. It is just a great group of girls that love to hang out on and off the field. New Era Colorado is a political organization that has a similar level of bonding, a non-partisan group that registers people to vote and is working on legislation to lower the age you can run for office, legalize online voter registration in colorado and get same day registration, as well as holding meet the candidates events for local elections and educating voters on all the issues to encouraging voting at all levels of government among students. Dorm doors are always open if people are in them and it is a really social atmosphere, its required to live there freshman year, but i wouldn't give up the experience for anything anyway. Athletics are HUGE everyone buys football and basketball season tickets and we have student groups that come together just to make athletic events more exciting - matching shirts, learning fun cheers and traditions and providing info on the opponents, one of them is called the CUnit we have a group called the distinguished speakers board that just in my four years has brought many speakers including Kofi Anan and Jhon Ashcroft. The theater and music departments put on several shows each each semester and i have never been disappointed. The Boulder/Denver area has the highest number of singles in the country and has been labeled several times as the best place to be if you are single, and it is. I met my closest friends at New Era and on the Rugby team and I will be friends with them forever. Im at taco Tuesday at Juanita's for $1 tacos and beer. There is a Naked Pumpkin run every Holloween and its hundreds of people and even if you dont run the bars are packed with spectators that fill the streets. there is a 4/20 smoke out on Ferrand field. A nearly naked mile underwear run. Several student groups go on yearly trips together abroad and you can almost always find an affordable one. People party every night. before your 21 its like thursday through saturday but everywhere else its a party any time you want one. Fraternities and sororities aren't that big on campus. the frats provide the space for a lot of the house parties, but i wouldn't say they are that important on campus. Last weekend i went to some house parties and bar hopping, and then had rugby on sunday. there are always all age concerts, open dance clubs socials, and the hill parties are only alcohol centered if you want them to be, which for many freshmen they are not. I go to a lot of art and music shows and coffee shops. I also go hiking and bike riding, and during the winter we have the best skiing in the country, both back country and downhill.