University of Denver Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Denver.


My classmates are very respectful and open minded. I attend online courses and so we interact in a very unique way ~ on a discussion board. I have gotten to know some of my classmates on a very personal level through electronic communication methods.


Rich, snobby, spoiled, rude brats who don't understand the value of being here.


My classmates are hard-working and commited; many are involved with more than one group, and have diverse interests.


My classmates vary from hardcore studiers, to living for the weekend parties, to apathetic dregs to the super involved socially conscious.


My classmates are mostly very studious. Most of the time we spend hanging out, we have books in our laps.


My classmates are intelligente, accepting, and determined to learn.


My classmates are very open minded. They love to challenge their thinking and take their thoughts and push them farther. I know they have helped in becoming a more analytical student because they cause me to be open minded as well and to push myself to think about things in a new perspective.


Half are liberal and diverse here on scholarships. They are very engaging and active individuals and you feel blessed to be in their presence. The other half are privileged white people, and though they are usually pretty smart, they don't necessarily take too much effort in being active.


My classmates are hardworking, dedicated, supportive and caring people, who are looking to succeed by making connections with their peers and creating a better community.


The classmates at DU's Women's College are very supportive of one another; we help one another out with studying, note-taking, as well as evenly completing group work projects; we want to see each other succeed.