University of Denver Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Denver know before they start?


Always remember that college is an investment in yourself and you only get to do it once. Make the most out of the experience - both the social AND educational experience. Dedicate plenty of time to learning on a deep level but also take the time for some fun. Your professors will be full of knowledge and expertise, learn all that you can from them and take the time to chat with them outside of class. Learn from your classmates and respect their opinions, try to understand their viewpoint. Sleep. Get involved with activities on campus but don't stretch yourself too thing. Time is a valuable commodity. Know when to ask for help. Work together on group projects, don't be a dictator but don't let everyone else do the work for you. Relax. Keep a schedule book with assignments, meetings, and deadlines. This isn't high school anymore, "accepted late work" does not exist in the college world. If you're sick, don't go to class; then we all suffer. Finally, take a step back once in awhile and let it all soak in. Have fun.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college life I would tell myself to make sure I choose a major I love, not like, and to work harder than anyone else. Going to college opened my eyes on how many students are out there with the same goals and dreams that I have. You really have to love what you’re learning, or you will lack the dedication it takes to succeed at the college level. There is really no point to go to college if you’re not going to take it seriously and plan on using what you have learned to move on in life. The first time I went to college I was right out of high school and had no goals or any idea of what I wanted to do with my life. As a result my grades were not good and I ended up not going back for my sophomore year. Come fifteen years later, I have fallen in love with architecture and have flourished with my grades and am at the top of my class.


Stop being so dumb, look at your future and what you have in front of you. Education is important, its the key to success, now that you have done everything backwards in life, correct yourself now and be smart. You have kids, set the example for them, don't let them make the same errors you did. NOWS THE TIME FOR CHANGE!!!


There is not a whole lot that I could tell myself. I was one of the lucky ones who was rather prepared for everything that college had in-store for me. However, I am not perfect and have a few things. One of the most important things to have figured out is that you need to make sure you have your financial situation figured out before you get to school. Don't be foolish and wait until the last minute to apply for private loans, because you are going to have a rough time if you do. Refresh yourself on your people skills is the next thing I would inform my past self. It is really strange to go from having your set group of friends then having to create a whole new group of friends. Lastly I would advise myself to prepare to get out of your comfort zone, as you are bound to get out of it anyway, it is best you ease into the situation instead of jumping right into it.


Hey Lisa, I want to talk to you about your college future. There's a few things that I really want you to slow down and think and pray about, that could really help you benefit in the future. #1: Plan on going to college: Deep down inside, you want to be a highschool teacher, and you need a college degree for this, so start planning now. #2: Take college courses in High School: Go to the community college and get some courses done this year. They're free your senior year and you will save time later on. #3: Get rid of the "College is too expensive" mentality: Your family WILL support you; stop feeling guilty and don't let money stop you. #4: Take your ACT/SAT: Don't miss the test dates, take the tests seriously, study, and GO! #5: Apply for different colleges: Work with a counselor to help you apply; you have what it takes! Send aplications to CSU, UC, even private colleges like Standford and Juliart; give youself a chance. #6: Major in Music: this is your ONLY chance; don't let it pass. #7: Believe in yourself: You totally got this girl!!!!!


The only advice I would give myself would be to not be as nervous as I was. Since I am from Rhode Island and the usual path to follow is attending University of Rhode Island, it was hard to make my own path. Many of my friends ended up staying in Rhode Island or at most an hour away. I decided to take the leap and come out to DU which I knew was the perfect school for me. Having faith and knowing everything will work out would've helped me when I felt like I'd be so far from home. I could not have made a better decision coming to the University of Denver. Although I am far away I have made really great friends who I can consider as new family members. The environment here is much different than at home. I feel reinforced with positive energy when I wake up to the clear skies and sunshine. Also, I am completely prepared for the academics here on campus. Although it is a challenge, I know the work I put in will pay off.


Listen up Courtney, this is you speaking to you from seventeen years in the future. You’re about to graduate high school. And, you knows it was no regular high school either. You’ve been trapped at a Baptist boarding school, listening to some preacher froth at the mouth, day in and day out, about how you’re going to burn in hell for all of eternity. While most kids were getting their first jobs, first cars, and having their first semi-serious relationship experiences, you read a bible and went to church and bible study. It’s time to say bye to that bull. Let it go. Let go of your anger toward your parents. You hold onto this and you will mess up your life in a major way. However, there is good news. Even if you do not listen to you, you eventually figure it out. You changed your mind. Keep being you. You are pretty happy with your life, You don’t finish your AA until your thirty-five, but, guess what? You got into the University of Denver! Now, figure out how to afford a BA by the time you’re thirty seven. Gotta run!


Melanie, You are both better than your worst fear and humbler than your grandest dream. Do not overshoot and never undersell. Your life is branching in a new direction and you cannot mistake this as a minute experience. College is not a vacation; it is returning to work or even starting work. If you can do one thing, it is to do everything. You are a woman; and in the words of Sojourner Truth, "If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, then these women ought to be able to turn it back and get it right side up again!" Are you not a woman? Are you not one of half the world who works, cares for, and speaks? That you are not a man is irrelevant; the relevance is that you are a human and you are the greatest product of this world's progression. Whatever you choose to do will be groundbreaking; it will be glorious. You are leaving your parents' home, but you are not leaving them behind. The love you have recieved must be equal to the love you will give. Love well. -You


I would say "just make a decision! It doesn't have to be the right one, but stand up for yourself and choose what you want." I had a really hard time choosing a school because I felt that I was just trying to please my parents and go to the school they wanted me to go to. I would tell myself that it is MY choice. Do what I feel is right. I love DU now and I am glad I went, but I know I would have loved a different school as well. It will be hard freshman year no matter where you go, but you will adjust. I would tell myself that it is ok to be scared, but you WILL adjust and be ok. It took me until my second year to find my niche and as soon as I did I felt like I was par of a community. I had friends and I became very close with my department and professors. So it may take a while to adjust, but use your freshman year to just have fun! The rest will fall into place.


Going back, I would tell myself that its ok to be who you are in college and you don’t need to change to impress others. When I got to school I had a hard time making close friends. I decided I would settle for the people I had met and would adjust to who they were. However, as time went on I found it to be exhausting. Among other things they liked to party while I had no desire to go, so I spent a lot of time justifying who I was and why I chose to or not to do things. As classes continued, I met people who had the same values and did the same things I did. We grew closer together and I found myself enjoying life more. I was able to do the things I like with people who also liked to do the same things while trying new things with them. Now instead of spending Friday nights explaining why I didn’t want to go out and party, I had movie nights with close friends. Then we were able to spend Saturdays going out and exploring a new city with new friends.