The most valuable information anyone could have given me is to live in the present. I came to school in a long-distance relationship that quickly became time-consuming and draining. I was so determined that this relationship was the only solace among my chaotic existence that I spent the majority of my freshman year making long-distance phone calls or staring at my cell phone reading incoming text messages. When I finally looked up to see the world around me, I felt excitement at the possibility of my life turning into something I had previously only dreamed of; fun, interesting, full of meaningful friendships. My boyfriend could not understand when I started considering alternative opinions or participating in new activities. Inside, I could sense that I was morphing because of my surroundings, but I suppressed new inclinations for fear of my boyfriend's constant jealousy-ridden, judgmental statements. When I finally broke off the relationship later that year, I became free to become whoever I was compelled to be. Three years later, I feel grounded and accomplished, all because one day in February, I made the brave choice to allow myself the opportunity to grow as a human being.
I would make sure I knew exactly what I was wanting to do in my career before I started school so I woud not have wasted all the time and money I have invested. I would make sure that I was aware there would be nothing I wanted to do with the degree I choose starting out pursing and not to let others influence me on a career that was not interesting to me. I would also educate myself more on the real world, the availability of jobs, and the challenge that exists in trying to get a job in todays society. Finally, I would remind myself of how expensive school is so I would not have wasted all the time and money and put myself so behind in debt. I also would have tried more on getting finacial help and with scholarships to help pay for school.
Keep doing what you're doing. You're a stong individual with a vision for your future, stick to what you love and you'll do amazing in college. Don't pursue an education path that has good job prospects, instead follow your passion. You know liturature is the path for you. Remember that as you go to college, and don't think that you have to be stuck in one subject area. Explore what interests you, but always remember to stay focused on what you're truly passionate about. It may seem difficult, but your dream of becoming a writer and literary theorist is possible, you can do it.
I would tell myself to have an open mind and explore the many options a higher education has to offer. Many people come out of high school looking to join a profession that will make them rich later in life. Yet what many students don't realize is that there are so many different professions out there and having a narrow mindset is essentially limiting their career options. The last piece of advice I would tell myself is to explore careers, find one that fits your personality and what you like to do, and puruse that career. Although you might not become a millionare, you will enjoy going to work everyday and be a happier person because of this, becaus as we have heard so many times before, money doesn't buy happiness.
The most important advice I could give myself is to find balance. With a full load of classes and homework, seemingly endless opportunities to get involved on campus, hundreds of people to meet, laundry to wash and errands to run, and people willing to hang out all hours of the day, it can be very easy to overschedule yourself. I would encourage myself to prioritize. Pick a few commitments that are most important and get fully involved, rather than giving a half-hearted effort to a wider variety of activities. Remember that sleep and healthy eating habits are necessary if you don't want to burn yourself out!
Another important piece of advice is knowing that it's ok to miss family and old friends, but the more you focus on enjoying each new adventure, the more you will realize how much you love college. Also, stay true to your values. It is perfectly acceptable to say "no" to anything that makes you uncomfortable. Many people try to change themselves in college. This is great if you become more like the person you want to be. If you are genuine, you will find people who respect who you are.
I have learned a lot through my two years of college. I feel like some of the lessons were only ones that I could learn in college and would not have helped me in the same way if I had known them as a high school senior. For others, that is not the case. I wish that I would have been more prepared for scheduling in college. I found out quickly that students need to be flexible with their schedules. In high school, you basically get the classes that you want, but in college, it doesn’t work that way. I became very stressed the first time that I created a schedule, because I did not get any of the classes that I wanted, but it worked out in the end. The other major lesson that I wish I knew ahead of time was how to manage the extra activities that I joined as a freshman. I wanted to get involved in everything, but to put all my effort into all those activities became too much. I wish that I had picked a selective few activities as a freshman rather than stressing myself out by rushing into too many commitments.
I wouldn't change anything except prepare mentally to the transition. In college everyone treat me as an adult, even though I don't feel like one. I probably should work on that. It's also pretty hard to have that much homework, so I would study more to don't have problems with understanding the material in classes. Other than that I think college is a real amazing experience, no matter what others say and no matter how cliche it sounds. It's different but no one can fully prepare by not being a college student. Real life starts the very first day you come to college.
Don't worry about the money right now. Go with your gut feeling that this is going to be the best school for you, and stick with that mentality. You are making the right choice, and you should own that. Scholarships will eventually come, and if you keep trying your hardest everything will work out in the end. Don't feel guilty for choosing the school you know you were meant to be at. The experience you are going to have is going to make you forget about all those worries. So, I repeat, don't worry. You'll definitely be happy with your choice.
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” I told the curious, yet ecstatic teenager, “Always persevere no matter what curveballs are thrown at you.
“Thanks for the advice,” Wayne said, “but I’m just so stoked to finally go to UC Riverside and have a worry-free time of my life. I mean, I can handle college!” His excitement and fervor of college suddenly reminded me of how excited and naïve I really was for college, but then I suddenly remembered how I slacked off in college with no definite direction in mind, which led to my fateful dismissal from that university.
I had to break it to my younger self: “Wayne, please see the bigger picture of why you are going to a university” I said, “I have to warn you that college will throw you a lot of curve balls if you think that college is only to have fun. If you don’t change your negative and unmotivated attitude for academics, then you will get the boot from your university.”
“Wait! How do you know all this?” he questioned me.
I advised, “You’ll see, if you don’t listen to me.”
I would remind myself to take risks and be more adventurous. Always make sure to step out of your comfort zone and be open to change, embrace it. Sometimes we get caught up in our own insecurities that we resort to settling and doing things just because there comfortable. Get up in the morning and smile, smile all day, instead of keeping a serious face on because it doesn't only dampen your day but everyone elses. Don't stress yourself out because things always have a way of working out.