I would tell myself right off that bat that this is your opportunity to grow and become independent, and that starting college in a new state is the perfect chance to transform yourself into the person you want to be in future. You will make new friends, you will lose some old friends, you will miss your family, and you will love your school. You will have to work hard, but you will also be able to do activities and experience things that you never thought imaginable. You will be able to go to Rockies games, Broncos games, ski in the winter, climb mountains in the fall and spring, and most importantly design your own education. You will be able to meet friends and professors that have your best interests in mind and provide you with amazing opportunities. You're human, you're supposed to be nervous. It means you care. But you can't be shy, you can't wait for oportunities to present themselves. You're parents aren't around to tell you what to do, so go out and make this life your own. It starts in college. Find yourself, find your passion, and find your purpose.
If I could go back to high school and give myself advice, the first thing I would say would be to take a Pre-Calculus class, despite what the councelors say. I've told many of my friends still in high school to do so because it's an absolute necessity for anyone looking to get their prerequisites out of the way without paying for a class with 'Pre' in the name. Secondly, I would force myself to look deeper into scholarships so that when the time comes to register for second quarter, there isn't a surprise $5000 charge on the account, preventing me from registering that I can't pay. If I had dedicated myself more to the future and less to the present, back in high school, I wouldn't have to worry so much now.
Back in high school, I was breezing through, year to year, but I would tell myself that it will, indeed, get harder and to keep up during the summer so that I would be very fresh going into college. There's so much more advice that I would give myself that I can't fit into 200 words.
Dear Haley,
People always say going to college is about gaining new experiences, while this is absolutely true, that does not mean changing who you are. At first college is new and scary, no really knows you, but do not forget that all of your life experiences are uniquely yours. Your loves, your passions, your pain-they are all your own; do not let anyone take them from you, and if someone does not appreciate what you love, then maybe that person is not worth your love.
Do not sacrifice who you are just to make "friends," because those "friends" will not be there for you when the world starts caving in. Stand strong to what you believe and do not be afraid to share it. Do not let anyone snuff out your sunshine, because it will be much harder to get it back then to maintain it.
Be beautiful, be brave, be strong. Be crazy, have fun, be a part of your community, because that is when people will get to see the real you, and true friends will come into your life. Live in the moment. What people think is only temporary-shake up their world.
I should have appreciated the little things in high school. When I say the little things I mean when my mom use to hand me a good cup of coffee in the morning. When I say good cup of coffee I mean the liquid in the cup is actually stronger than water, and the creamer isn’t powder. When I say the little things I mean the random time spent with a good friend. I grew up in Montrose, Colorado where the San Juan Mountains were the main view driving to school every morning. I wish I had known to appreciate seeing that view. Going to college takes a lot of adjustment with the little things. There’s toleration of new people, and yes even some bad cups of coffee. I would stress the fact that the little things are everything. I would tell myself to not be afraid of hard work because it's just that hard work. No matter any location the people you love are most important. College life is a big difference from living at home, the big thing to remember is to be grateful, and to know a little thing when it comes your way.
Here it is Chau. Your SENIOR YEAR. I remember the struggles you are going through right now, the confusion, and stress. I remember those dangerous monsters haunting your mind and numbing your body: The feeling of not being good enough and being afraid to face the world so soon when everybody looked so ready. The word painful is an understatement to describe how I felt. So I'm here to tell you one thing you need to learn. Be selfish. I took the risk of taking a year off in secret and I can tell you I don't regret it one bit. It was hard to keep quiet and be alone for a whole year but I came to learn so much about myself and about you. If anything, that year made me do better in college than I would have if I went straight away. I know how fragile and broken you feel right now and it's okay. I'm here to tell you that it's going to work out. You survive. Oh, and Chau? What kind of advice would this be if I didn't tell you one solid thing: Stop procrastinating!
Dear Self,
I know you love where you came from but it's time for you to go out of this world you have grown up in. You are scared, you think you won't make friends and you are nervous you won't fit in, but when you get to school it will be different. You will be a Pioneer at the University of Denver, and so will everyone else. Everyone is in the same boat. You will have more opportunities than you know what to do with. What I am really going to tell you is to branch out, take all of those opportunities. It sounds cliche, something that everyone says but you really need to take advantage of this opportunity. You are going to a new place with new faces and new things to offer. Not everyone gets this opportunity but you do. Take advantage of it everyday, do not forget where you came from, but remember where you're going, and be thankful for where you are. Time will pass and you will be sad when all that you were nervous for in the beginning is over.
Embrace yourself, and then brace yourself, for the upcoming year is going to be a whirlwind unlike any other.
It will be a year of discovery beyond imaginable. Proceed with an open mind, for your views on all things life are bound to change, or at least be solidified.
Manage the valuable time that you have in a way that you can feel comfortable dropping all of your work for the night and experiencing the other side of college.
Let’s go back to embrace yourself for a moment and truly embrace who you are. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone. Live the way you want to live- you’ll figure out who you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to be doing in due time- don’t beat yourself up over it. Welcome the utter confusion.
Additionally, when someone offers to grab a bite to eat- go along even if you’re not hungry. You’d be surprised at how meaningful of a friendship can develop over the best pizza you’ve ever put in your mouth.
Lastly, do not under estimate the power of winter and negative fifteen temperatures
The reason your're going to college is for the education, grades matter. Get involved in extra-curriculars, get involved socially; make friends, make an ass of yourself. Try to be someone else for a little while. Really learn who you are. Take classes that don't matter, just take them because they're interesting. Party a lot, you'll never have the opportunity again. Travel abroad, it will open your world. Always remember that grades matter.
As a high school student I went to a school that was mostly upper-class Caucasian students. I beleived that since I attedned an un-diverse high school that I would not experience any culture shock at a university with similar demographics. However, this was not the case. I was overwhelemed by how different I was even though I had been the different one thorughout my previous education. I heard ignorant and disgusted comment I had never experienced and often found it difficult to assimulate with my counterparts. If I could go back and talk to my highschool self I would tell my self that high school truly is a bubble compared to the real world of college life. You will probably experience some type of culture shock no matter how similar an instituion is to high school. I would also tell myself to not let this stray you away from the college, allow it to be an experience to teach and learn. I can guarantee everyone feels different at some point while at college. The only way to become fully inclusive is to teach each other about our beautiful diverse backgrounds and cultures. Understanding will eventually overpower the shock.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give advice on a career path and scholarships. At that time I was struggling to figure out what I actually wanted to do with my life. I was planning on becoming a civil engineer. In community college I quickly found out that this was not the career for me. I would tell myself to think about a career in law enforcement as I did when I was a child. I have always wanted to help people, and I should have stuck to my first interest. I would tell myself to switch majors before applying to four year colleges to give myself a chance to get accepted. I also got a late start in submitting my applications, so I would have told myself to always stay on top of deadlines and when applications opened up. Finally, I would have encouraged my past self to take time out of my schedule to apply for scholarships, because back then I was busy with sports. Even if I did not win any scholarships it would have been better for me to at least try.