I would advice parents and students to choose schools that are well-rounded: ones with an academic drive and focus, social opportunities, a great living atmosphere and school spirit. I would advice them to visit each college before deciding and go where you feel most comfortable: there's probably a reason you feel that comfortable. It's not about the prestige, it's about the experience and you only get it once.
Choose a school that suits you both socially and academically. Study hard, work hard, but try to balance it with social activities.
choose the college that makes you feel good about that choice.
Talk to everyone. Step out of your comfort zone. If you have a question, ask it. Sit next to someone new in class every day. Don't put limitations on yourself. Expect big things out of college. Live the dream.
You can have the "college experience" no matter where you attend. I have friends at all different types of schools and are having an incredible time. The college experience is what you make of it. Being shy is not an excuse. Many schools offer plenty extra curriculars. Between that and living in the dorms, which I strongly recommend, there is more than enough opportunities to meet tons of people. Don't get stuck in one or two extra curricular activities, broaden your horizons! Take advantage of your school's resources. They can be very helpful if utilized. Go to school sporting events. They are so much fun and develop a sense of pride in your school. Making the most out of the college experience means the books come first, plain and simple. If you stay on top of your work and set aside time to get your work done, you have a confident, clear head to have fun and be active. If you have the means to study abroad, do it! Internships, do it! Volunteering, do it! Take advantage of every single summer you are in school! Don't waste the best free time of your life back home.
First, consider what you will major in and make sure that the school has a strong department in that area. Take into consideration your political beliefs, and assess whether or not you will feel comfortable at the university in question. For example, I consider myself fairly liberal, but the University of Georgia is definitely a conservative campus. I often wish that I had chosen a school that was more open and diverse in regards to this. Check out the campus and see if you like it; atmosphere is very important to your happiness at school. Get involved in extra-curricular activities, it will give you a base of friends that you will be thankful for. Attend sporting and cultural events; have school spirit! Learn how to budget your money - it will save you from a lot of stress. Don't hide away in your dorm or apartment; get out there and make the most of every day!