University of Georgia Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Georgia know before they start?


Get plugged in as soon as possible. No matter how small or big the school may be, there are always opportunities for new students to get involved. When you do, you'll find you can make some lifelong friendships.


I would tell them to visit all different types of schools. Even if you think you want to go to a small school visit a big school. Also, if you can, spend a weekend at the school and get a feel for how it will be. I went to a small college for the first two years of my college experience and I ended up hating it. I thought I was going to love it but it turned out not to be for me. I might have know had I taken time to visit UGA.


Most colleges offer more opportunities for learning, research, jobs, and social activities than any one person could ever want. When you enter college, carefully consider your future goals and get involved in campus activities early. Your success in college is largely based on your personal drive and dedication. Consider your priorities carefully and realize that the decisions you make during your freshman year will play a role in what jobs or graduate schools are available to you upon graduation.


You need to decided if you would prefer a big or small school because they are very difference now days. With a small school it's less social, more group oriented with smaller class sizes. But, it's easiar to get leadership positions due to less competition. At a big school there is a lot more to do, more people to connect with, and a larger range or classes and majors. The college experience is like any other experience, it is exactly what you make it. It's all about staying positive no matter if you feel alone or confused with your social life or work load. It's a wonderful stepping stone of life filled with learning experiences.


I have been in college for 6 years now, working on a relatively simple degree in Sociology. I have made a wealth of mistakes along the way, I have a ton of regrets, and I don't have a positive attitude toward my college experience, but I do feel that, because of those things, I am probably the best person to give advice on how to make college a wonderful experience. As for finding the right college, simply make sure the college offers the degrees you are interested in, and then start seeking out surroundings that make you feel safe, peaceful and motivated. As for making the most of the college experience, here are three pieces of wisdom that have come to me from my own struggles and dissappointments: Do what you truly love, no matter the obstacles you face or what people have to say (your persistence will overcome the negativity), think for yourself in all situations (this means ignoring relatives, friends, and advisors at times), and only make decisions based on the knowledge that you already have or have gained through research (the people you trust can sometimes lead you astray, even if they don't mean to).


Don't let anyone else influence you decision. Choose for yourself!! I knew from the second that I set foot on this campus that I was going to love going to school here. Everything fit my personality perfectly. When I got here I had no idea what to really expect or what I wanted to gain from the experience of going to college. But i found my own niche. I found exactly where I fit in and what pleased me everyday. I have made friends that I know I will keep. And I still have a exciting two years ahead of me!


Decide what you want up front, a city college, a private school, big campus, small campus, in state or far away, then find one that fits all your standards. As for a college experience, just don't be afraid to try things you thought you never would. Don't let personal preferences or outside opinions get in the way of your actions. Realize that everyone is in the same boat at this point in time, a new place, a fresh start to life, and eveyone wants to make the best of it. Embrace that fact and the people around you and enjoy yourself. College is usually a once in a lifetime experience, use it well.


You really have to find the college that is right for you, don't worry about where everyone else is going because you need to do what is right for you. When you get to college its a time where you get to really discover who you are, and can be you. Its not like high school where people are all in their own little clique. People here don't know what you were like in high school, so you can really be you. They also aren't really worried with the little things that seem to matter in high school. Lets say that you were thought of as weird because of the way you dressed. At college people will more likely think that you are probably really interesting. So pick the place that you feel works best for you and try not to worry about anything else, like whethere you know anyone because it will all work out. Even if you don't know anyone don't worry, there are tons of new people here, you are sure to find the people that you fit in with, and will end up being friends for life.


When you are looking for the right college it is best to visit the school and make sure it were you really want to spend the next few years.


Find a school that is tailored to your personality and budget. College is VERY expensive and more than likely student loans will be needed. Be sure to study; there is a big shock when going from a high school or a junior college to a big university. At the same time, don't forget to relax and enjoy your time at college, they are the best years of your life.