Dear Claire,
I know that you have your mind set on coming to college and studying to become a doctor. I also know that you are coming to UGA with a crutch. Your boyfriend is already here. I would advise you, however, to explore the options and the abundance that UGA has to offer you. Think about your future and realize that in a few years you will not feel the exact same way that you feel right in this moment. You will join Gamma Sigma Sigma and meet many new friends and volunteer with the community but I hope that you will continue to explore your curiosity for the arts. See plays, listen to music and concerts you wouldn't normally listen to, speak French, study abroad, go to events and explore the unique culture that Athens, GA has to offer. Don't let a failed relationship or a status quo run your life for you. Always remember that you are the leading lady of your life and it is only you who can make the decisions that will impact your future. No one else can do it for you. Most of all don't lose your eternal optimism.
I would tell myself that going to the most expensive school is really not that important. I would have taken the scholarship to Mercer or applied to UGA then. Putting myself in $30,000 and being forced to take a semester off from school was not worth it.
Weigh the options/opportunities more and maybe even choosing another school with better sholarship/financial arrangements
Know who you are before you get to college. I went to a small private school, and although it was diverse in some ways, it could not prepare me for being in a student body of over 30,000. When you get in a group that large, without your family and your old friends, your habits, your morals, and the genuineness of your character are tested. Know what your goals are so that you have something to work toward in your head and motivate you when no one is there to get you up for your 8am class after you hit the snooze button. Know your personality and don't let yourself lose it! If you normally smile at everyone, make sure you keep smiling, even if few smile back. Know what your morals are so that you have peace of mind that you are doing the right thing and being yourself at all times, regardless of who you are with or the situation you are in. And know that it is ok to change as you learn from your experiences, as long as it's for the better and you stay true to yourself.
I would tell myself to enjoy freshman year a bit more than I did. I would also tell myself that I should prioritize better and make time for volunteer activities. Another thing that I would tell myself is that I should feel less homesick for I only live two hours away from my home. I would also encourage myself to be more decisive when I want to do something. I also need to learn how to say 'no' to some things.
Do well in college, but don't take yourself too seriously. Don't get too stressed out, but instead focus on the fun you're having, because college goes by way too fast. Don't procrastinate and you'll realize that while others are cramming for tests and hurriedly trying to finish projects, you can enjoy yourself and relax.
make sure my parents have money to help pay for college before i decide to apply senior year.
I would tell myself to spend more time with my family, and make the most of the time that I do spend with them. I would also tell myself to learn how to manage my time better, and become self-sufficient.
If I could go back in time and tell myself anything, it would be to believe in yourself. Going in to college, I did not realize how many tough situations I would be faced with. Being away from my family, who I realized later on that I leaned on for support tremendously, made everything tougher. Independence was forced upon me and with that came the realization that I need to suck it up and believe that I can do the best I can. People handle stress in different ways. As of right now I am still trying to figure out how to handle my huge workload and all other social dedications I have, but I am getting better and better. So as a Senior in high school, I would have given myself the advice to start preparing to be strong in any situation at hand and don't give up. Self confidence is a beautiful thing.
For the most part, I believe that I would do things the same way that I had in high school. Perhaps the only change I would make would be to take a few different AP classes from the ones that I ended up taking (I would pick a few others that fit more with what I want to do with my life). However, I found my transition from high school to college to be pretty smooth and I am happy to say that I would not change anything that I did.!