Find a small group in which you fit, a sorority, fraternity, or volunteer group. Georgia is very large, and it is very easy to get lost or become a "no one" unless you work to find your niche. I highly recommend the Redcoat Band.
Before committing to one college or another, do your research! Find out everything that you can about that college, including what current students think of it. In fact, it might be helpful to go to each prospective college and ask some of the current students what they think about it, any advice they might have, or any other general college questions. Learning as much as you can about a college is important. The college that you have always dreamed of going to may not be as wonderful as you think it is. This has happened to several people that I know, and they have always regretted not doing more research beforehand.
Although research is important, while you are in college you might as well make the most of it. Do not be afraid to leave your room and go exploring. Take the time to say hello to strangers, as they may be able to offer you strong friendship and advice. Take advantage of everything your college offers. They often sponser fun (and free!) events that are great for relaxing or socializing. Lastly, do not be afraid to try new things. College is the time to make the most of life.
Before you make any decisions, make sure you visit the college you have in mind. The feel you get from being on campus is very important; I am still in awe every time I walk through campus. Make sure the college has an abundance of resources to help you, as a student, learn, grow, and achieve at whatever you decide to do in life. Don't judge a university from its stereotypes. Even a "party school" has plenty of alternative social outlets that do not involve drinking. Every student's experience is different, it's just a matter of finding your niche, or place where you belong. Participate in as many activities, like intermural sports, clubs, or fundraisers, as you can manage. Try everything once--it is the time of your life to explore everything and figure out who you really are, and you should never overlook any opportunities. Take advantage of everything your college has to offer. Also, never hesitate to ask for help. Professors can seem really intimidating, but most of them are more than happy to personally answer any questions you may have regarding the class or even their own research. Study hard but still have fun.
Follow your heart and mind.
small student to teacher ratio
Be honest with yourself about what you really want your life to be like and be open to new experiences.
Select a school of a size the student feels comfortable with, and if possible live on campus. Campus living pushes the student right into the college experience, allows them to make friends faster, and encourages extracurricular activites. It's easier to balance a social life and studies as a freshman living on campus and meeting people that way.
Choose a college that you feel most comfortable surrounding yourself with. Smaller schools offer more face time with instructors, where as large schools can offer more in the social arena. At a large school, it's easier to get swallowed up by the night life as opposed to a smaller school which leaves more opportunity for studies. Also, an overwhelming population can be intimidating as a freshman when walking onto campus and realizing a bus is what gets you from point A to point B. Being comfortable means evaluating the number of students enrolled against face time with the instructors. It's also important to note the difference between public schools and private schools; don't be intimidated by the cost because there is more money in the private school system than in the public, and often there are grants and scholarships available to particular private institutions to coincide with the Major being pursued. College is an experience! It's never too late to try something different, just keep an eye on the GPA. Good luck!
Finding the right college is more about your attitdue and expectations than anything else. I was really stressed about where I was supposed to end up, but I finally realized that as long as I did my best and made the most out of my college experience, I would enjoy wherever I ended up--and I have! Another important thing to remember is don't let first impressions fool you. I really didn't like UGA the first time I came here, and I was pretty set on picking another school. However, once I finally decided to come here for practical reasons (my major, career choice), I realized how much I really love it. It's a wonderful place to be, and after 3 semesters here it already feels like home.