University of Georgia Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Georgia know before they start?


The best advice that I can give anyone is to take your high school days serious, but have fun. Do the best in all of your classes and get involed in school functions. The things that you learn in your classes you will need for your higher education. Get the most out of all you classes. When you start college, do and try your best. Get involved in the different clubs that your college may offer. The more you are involved in outside activities, the more friends you can make and it can make the transition from high school to college a little easier.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to begin college with the end in mind. Knowing exactly where you want to go and how you are going to get there is the recipe for success. With so many distractions and academic choices to make, it is imperative to gain experiences early in one's college career to make a concrete decision. In college, it seems like there is so much time to figure out your major and what you need to do, but that is entirely false. I would encourage myself to really explore career options via shadowing, interning the first semester to give me a direction. I would tell myself to listen to my instincts and not change my career goals because of outside factors. I was accepted into UGA as a chemistry major, and then changed it four times because I was never satisfied. I would have told myself to pursue a degree in science, and to not get intimidated by horror stories of freshman chemistry. I should have listened to myself at the beginning, because now that I have graduated, I will be going back to school for the pre-medical sciences.


I would tell myself to study harder and make better decisions concerning my studies and academics. I would also tell myself not to stress so much about the transaction from high school to college because it really was not as bad as I thought.


Don't go into college and take the classes that your parents tell you to take or go for the major someone tells you to go for. Go to college and take the classes that you enjoy to end up with a major that interests you.


Don't delay your opportunity to go to school now.


If I were to go back in tim e as a high school senior I would tell myself a few things. First , I would say not to take for granted the first semester and to work as hard as you can because that first semester is crucial. I struggled my first semester at UGA and my GPA never recovered and now I am just to the point where I just want to graduate. I would tell myself that I really need to buckle down and focus so I would not get off to a bad start academically. Also I would tell myself not to get into any credit card debt. My parents have not been able to help me as much as they would of liked and I have turned to Credit cards for some of the things I need or want and that has put me in some debt that I will have to climb out of when I graduate. I would tell myself to make sure to not get a credit card so that I would not have to worry about having that debt when I graduate.


I would start off by telling myself the grades you make now do matter and more importantly what you learn now can and will help you in the future. I would then tell myself to stop being afraid of being yourself. Those around you will like you FOR YOU. I would participate more in school funtions, such as homecoming dances, prom, powederpuff games, football games, etc.. I was so afraid of opening up to people that I didn't get to enjoy my high school years. In fact, I think about this frequently. There are so many things I regret BUT that have helped me now in college. I would tell myself don't be ashamed of being a little dorky. So what I love to learn? ..I love to sit in the front row? I love being organized and I love NOT being late for class. These are all things I love but was afraid of being becasue of what others may have thought. One thing I belive every high school student should know is that they can be accepted as themselves. If they know this everything else would fall into place. It has for me.


I would have decided to apply only to instate colleges since if I maintain a 3.0 gpa I will have free instate tuition at public colleges.


Choose carefully, but allow for bad choices that provide extra learning opportunities. Be friendly to those you might be different from, but remember to follow your instincts when dealing with people. Don't apply for a credit card until graduation. Seek financial aid for graduate school before leaving as an undergrad. Collect the addresses and contact info of friends before leaving, to keep up with them later. Let fear be a safety net, not a cage. Exercise more, and with others. Avoid alcohol and mariguana, but not necessarily the people who use them. Do everything possible to be part of exchange or travel abroad experiences. Do more to connect with teachers and other sources of knowledge. Read all the assigned passages and book chapters, even the ones you predict will be boring. Lay off the comfort foods and find others who do the same. Home will be there whe you need a break, not an escape. Procrastination does add to the stress of a deadline, but can provide a incentive for focus at the last minute. Set priorities, but be willing to rearrange them later. Remember that school is for learning, of all kinds.


Everything I learned my senior year was extremely important. There was so much more I could have learned and experienced to help better prepare myself for college. All of the academic and social experiences and trying to organize everything is a lot like college will be. I need to plan out everything and learn time management skills. When I get to college that will be such a huge part of life that my senior high school year will be the perfect time to learn how to get everything done when it is due and still find time to sleep, eat, and maybe even have a little bit of fun. Studying is so important! My grades will be critically important my senior year. Spending time studying and learning to discipline myself will also help the transition to college go more smoothly. There is so much similar to college life and my senior year, juggling everything during my senior year in high school will be great preparation for college.