University of Georgia Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


You can't do everything. Get settled in slowly and put keeping your GPA high over everything else.


I wish I had known the importance of time-management. Even though I got excellent grades all throughout high school, I procrastinated a lot. When I got to college, I realized I was in a little bit over my head, considering I was taking 16 credit hours (13 of which were from very difficult, high-level classes), working 15 hours a week, playing intramural volleyball, and being a member of a sorority that required time for meetings and volunteering. If i had known how to manage my time, my first semester wouldn't have been so stressful.


Nothing. I was aware of everything.


Going into college, I wish someone would've told me that college is nothing like high school. In high school, I didn't need to study to get all A's, so I never actualy learned how. In college, you have to work for every grade you get.


I wish I had known how to manage time better. My first semester was difficult because I didn't manage time wisely. I spent so much time studying for one class and devoted so much effort, which didn't pay off, and it caused me not to do well in my other classes. I also had a hard time fitting in time to eat or sleep.


I really wish I would have known how to manage my time effectively.


How much I really would have to pay, especially compared to in-state students. I had to pay 50,000 per year whereas most instate students paid nothing at all due to the HOPE/Zell Miller financial aid. So it was hard to relate and there were very, very few financial resources for me.


I think one thing that surprised me was UGA's lack of ethnic and racial diversity. Many members of my class came from affluent suburbs of Atlanta, so I sought out opportunities to learn about other cultures and backgrounds byjoining clubs and taking classes that specialized in diversity.


I wish I would have known to not stress about finding friends among the crowd. Just join clubs and activities and theyll come!


I wish I had known that by applying early action, I would have been eligible for scholarship money by the University. This would have greatly helped me toward paying the dorm and books.


Prepare to study more and make sure that one of your initial priorities is to find a group of individuals similar to yourself that truly care about their performace academically so that you can form a functional study group.


Before I came to the University of Georgia, I wish I had known more about socializing in such large groups. I went to very small private schools Kindergarten thru high school so coming to UGA without knowing a single person was difficult at first. I wish I had made an immediate effort to search out a smaller group of people, rather than trying to blend into the background.


Honestly, the one thing I wish someone had told me freshman year was that you should enjoy classes you register for. It's important to take your core classes and get them out of the way, but if the Professor doesn't teach the way you'd like, especially for a difficult course, your freshman life would be miserable. Oh and don't take more classes than you can handle. Your brain will fry and you'll stress yourself to death.


Before coming here, I wish I would have known how big of a shock it was going to be to live on a campus that huge. My first class was in a giant lecture hall, and my class had more people in it than my entire high school had had. Because there are so many students, I did not get the teacher-student relationship and help that I was used to having in such a small high school. I wish I knew that I would need to know how to learn effectively on my own.


I wish I knew that I was uncertain about my major and also knew how to balance my college life better.


I wish that I had known about parking, bus schedule and the actual size of the campus. For my first week at UGA, I had a very hard time getting to class on time because of my lack of knowledge about the buses and parking. Also, the size of the campus was a lot larger than I had expected. The walking that I had to do from the bus stop to my class was suprising to say the least. I now schedule my classes close to each other and try to get parking near my classes.


I wish I had known better ways to study. In high school I never had to study but now I do all the time.


I wish I'd known that the English and History departments would soon receive almost no funding, and that I'd have to fight for a semester before I could get a proper advisor for my major. The Honors program looks great on a resume, but there are almost no Honors classes available; I've had to do most of my work through Honors options, meaning that I double my workload in some classes. Overall, if you don't fight to be heard, you won't even exist to the school.


Athletically: I wish that I had known that scholarships vary year to year. When you coming in on a full scholarship you are under the coach's discretion at the end of the year. Also, time management skills are critical to success as a student-athlete.


I wish I would have known to take more AP classes in high school so I would not have to be taking lower-level classes that are not going toward my major. The classes here are rigorous and more AP credit would have been nice. I wish I could have told myself to go and branch out and meet more people! There are numerous activities and I wish I would have been involved in since my freshman year in addition to the few that I am in. I also would want to tell myself to have more of a balance.