I wish I had known how much emphasis is placek life here. I did not want to join a sorority, but most girls do. So, if you aren't Greek, it's easy to feel like you're on the outside looking in sometimes.
That there are a lot of opportunities here, but you must seek them out. Just like in the real world they're not going to find you, you must choose a path and make something for yourself.
I wish I would have known how to ride a bike well!
I wish I had known how expansive the campus really was and I wish I had known more about the town of Athens itself. Finding my way around campus and around Athens has probably been the most difficult thing since I came to the University of Georgia.
I wish I would have known the responsibility at first. I was somewhat careless at the beginning and let my grades slip a bit. I have since then recovered and now am on the right track.
I wish I had known that you can truly reinvent yourself in college. I was told that many times, but it really didn't sink in until my junior year of college. I wanted to fulfill outdated dreams of mine and for that, I suffered, but am quickly bouncing back in a university of many possibilities.
Before I came to UGA, I wish I had known how much work is involved in the courses. I expected it to be more like high school, and I ended up doing poorly my first semester. You really have to stay on top of reading and homework in order to do well, which is something that I did not have to do in high school. I just wish that someone had told me before I signed up for classes how hard the coursework can be if you get behind.
Before attedning UGA, I wish I had taken the time to get to know the City of Athens better and its surrounging locations. By doing this, I feel that I would have felt at home quicker. I say this simply because it's hard to call a place home when you really dont know where anything is.
I wish I had known how insignificant one student can feel on such a large campus.
I wish I had known not to buy the meal plan. It put me over 10,000 dollars in debt to be on the meal plan and to live on campus since my scholarships only covered tuition. My second year, when I went off campus, I was able to save almost half of what I put into my Freshman year to live in a small room with another girl and to eat foods that made me sick for days. I also wish I knew to search before signing up for classes.