University of Georgia Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had know how much money was needed for a given semester and that the further along I got the more expensive it would be, so I should save as much as possible for those later years. And that HOPE doesn't last as long as it is needed with a double major.


I wish I had known better study habits.


There were so many opportunities to get involved as a freshman. I hate that I waited so late to get involved in on-campus activities.


I wish I had known how resarch-intensive the psychology program is. All of my psychology undergraduate classes focus more on research than I would like.


If it's a game day, don't plan on driving anywhere. At least, if you want to find a parking spot when you get back.


I wish i would have known the strong pressure to drink at this school before I came. I knew people would be drinking but i did not know that it would be to such an extreme extent. I never drank before I came to school and I joined an organization, not knowing that I would be the only person in a group of ninety who did not drink alchohol and felt very pressured to drink. My advice to people is to find out ahead of time if the social pressures at your school will be ones you are comfortable with.


That there arent that many black people


I should have known not to roommate with close friends.


I wish I knew how crazy the campus gets on game days. The University of Georgia is big on football, and on Saturdays, the campus is packed with Bulldog fans. It's so exciting and surreal, but it's sad to see how trashed the campus gets. However, by Monday morning everything is back to normal and the campus looks as though nothing ever happened.


How to study