If I could go back into time, should I say and be able to talk to myself as a senior. I would say Shanikah, don't waste this opportunity of a lifetime, college may be a place where you find yourself, but it is as well a place where you can lose yourself and what the main focus of life is. I have experienced alot going off to college, learned alot about myself and other people. I would tell myself don't screw up, don't try to fit in, don't worry, be patient the outcome of goin to college is going to be great. Life is not easy and school is not easy, so just hang in there and study, stay focus, make yourself proud first then others, have a social life, and don't be epressed. Be you, become one with the study and don't try to rush anything because things don't come easy and life is about struggles. I would also tell myself boy was I wrong when I thought college would be this fun and collective place. It is at times but it is also a leaping stone for the real world.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give this simple advise to myself; Andrew Smith please push yourself in all your classes and take AP classes because they will pay off. Knowing what I know now, that would be the number one thing I would advise myself. I always did well in my classes and was ranked in the top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} in my high school but I did not challenge myself. I did my work and use the rest of my time to have a lot of fun and play sports. I thought that people would treat me different or class me as a nerd or self-absorbed person if I showed me true academic skills. After graduating high school, I realized that I had wasted many opportunities to attended an Ivy league school and even be a member of the America Honor Society. Andrew Smith, take my advise, please push yourself in all your classes and take AP classes.
I would make myself allot a certain amount of time to school work every week to make sure I got it all done, and still had the opportunity to go out and have fun with my friends. I would also do the same thing but allot a certain amount of money per week so I could also start saving so I wasn't always totally broke. I would definitley invest in a minor or a second major and also join more clubs/organizations to make more alike-friends that I don't just meet at social parties and gatherings.
To my former self, I would give the advice of fighting harder. I'd let myself know that everything was going to turn out fine, and that I shouldn't be so afraid. I'd tell myself that I should fight for my dream because I deserve it after working so hard for so many years. No matter what happens, don’t lose who I am, don’t lose my spirit, and most importantly keep doing what is right because that’s what will make me feel free.
Berthonya, Don't worry so much about making friends ! Things will all fall in to place, just relax and let your guard down. Don't forget to leave your door open every now and then, you'll never know who wants to peak in and say hello ! Go into classes with an open mind, not all teachers teach, or grade the same. It will take a while for you to adjust to their teaching style. You should take some risks, join clubs you wouldn't normally think of joining! College is a whole new world filled with great activites and little judgement. Your freshman year will be great, so relax and enjoy it !
I would tell myself that I could get a good college education without going to an expensive school. As much as I love my school and I wouldn't leave now that I am here but the cost of my school is really high and it is going to take me a while to pay back my loans. I would tell myself that I should look at more colleges and not be afraid to go to a community college or a trade school. I would tell myself that I could get the same education at a cheaper school.
My college experiences have been very positive. For example, I am a student with autism and I have been able to adapt to college classes and life very smoothly. I transferred from Capital Community College after earning my Associate's, where I learned many skills. I mastered time management and setting my own priorities first. At the college I used to work as a student administrative assistant. I learned to connect more with people and volunteered at college club and events. Furthermore, as a university student and a senior I am extremely happy with University of Hartford. I have learned various skills for teaching children and many interesting facts about human behavior and personalities. These are lessons that will help me throughout my life. On the other hand, I have learned to appreciate more other academic subjects such as, music, art, history, poetry, politics, sign language and statistics. I recommend for anyone considering attending college to go ahead and get an education. This is what will makes you shine in whatever career path you chose in life. As of today I am still learning, challenging myself and still at the Dean's List.
For me, college has changed me in such a little amount of time. There isn't a day where I don't learn something new and actually enjoy it. I have never been happier learning what I love, architecture. And every student in architecture knows the major time constraints that come along with it, but I've learned how to manage my time so efficiently, where once I've completed my work I have time to have fun and socialize. Going to college has changed that in me, in high school I was the shy, quiet one, and now I'm the complete opposite. Being at the University of Hartford has taught me that even if it's flooding outside to put on your rainboots and just keep going, life doesn't stop for anybody and although the work will get harder every moment is worth it. I have such a diverse group of friends whom all love what they do, and it helps knowing that we're all working towards being something great. I don't think anyone could disagree with this.
The most valuble thing I have gotten out of my college experience thus far has been a greater understanding of myself. I am currently a fulltime student-athlete. I moved three hours away from home to take part on a softball team where I initially knew no one. These last two years, I have learned much about myself; my abiity to cope with stress, injury, pain, and dissapointment. I have also seen myself fail and succeed countless times. I have discovered that I never let myself become down, and that I have a surprising knack for powering through rough situations. I've broken my foot in three places, competed daily for a starting position on the ball field, struggled financially, and dealt with very personal issues. I see my college experience thus far as being a road map outlining my maturity. I am a better, stronger person due to my college experience. I've met new people, adjuste to a new environment, and overcome struggles. I appreciate my college experience, and hope to continue my education as well as my path to full self-understanding.
Attending college has given me insight on many different aspects that might not have been available to me otherwise. I am enrolled at a local college in Missouri where my goal is to receive my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Business Law. The greatest benefit of going to college is the completion of a long term plan/goal. The course work that I have studied along with preparation for my field has made me a better learner, researcher and creator. In order to get the best out of my college experience, I joined the Engineering Club at my college. This enabled me to be part of a team setting and enhance my understanding of my chosen field. I realize that because of college, there are a lot of opportunities available to me in my future. Without the college experience, those future opportunities are slim to none. The college experience opens a variety of outlets that places me within an elite and diverse group. For some people, college is a way to advance their careers or a monetary gain, for me it’s a reference of how to develop the person you are meant to be.