University of Hartford Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Hartford know before they start?


From my college experience, I gained valuable insight on the importance of working hard before you play hard. This is my 5th year in a college institution, with the University of Hartford being my third school. I was blessed and motivated throughout my college career to have done five internships. I tend to procrastinate frequently but even more so in the past. Now that I am in my 23rd year of life, I've gained a different perspective on the importance of education. When I first started college, I was there to please my parents. I had a lot of fun meeting new people and living on my own. However, I feel like I didn't give my education enough undivided attention. Over the past year, I finally found a school that is a perfect fit for me . It is close to home in distance and I enjoy my new major much more than at my previous schools. College has been a trial and error fiasco for me but I finally feel like I'm developing into the responsible adult I am destined to be.


My college experience has been like any others. I've had my moments of fun balanced by the late nights of needing to get work done. In short, college has shown me the values of friends and good work habits.


Furthering my education and gaining a world view on life in genera.


I learned a lot about life from college. I dont think i would trade my time there for anything. I met a lot of good people and friends who will always be there to support me. Because I attended a school so far from home I was also able to grow up and become an independent.


Being asked what I I have gotten out of my college experience many things come to mind. Being a college student, I learned that anything is achievable in the world as long as you go after what it is you want to achieve. The most important thing I believe i recieved from going to college is the fear of speaking in or to a large number of groups and my social skills are much more out going and out spoken. College has turned my life around the moment I arrived. Attending any college of choice should be a priority on everyone's list of things to do hafter highschool or recieving a GED. College not only advances you in knowledge, it advances you in the real world and teaches you self responsibility. The economy is sensitive and fragil as of right now, and going to college is the smartest thing anyone can do, it can turn your whole life around in a blink of a semester. I appreciate the chance in getting to go to college and the advances that I have been able to make in the last four years.


Being a student when I was young was just a fun thing to do. Now I have been in the work force for 30+ years and want to make a difference in the future of America. Our children need good teachers and I acn give them real world knowledge of what works and what doesn't. Our children need great direction and solid values so they can face the world we have created for them. They need to know the good and the bad so they can make things better. It took me 10 years to get my Associates degree, I attended one class every semester until I had finished my goal. I worked full time and raised 2 wonderful daughters. Success depends on the individual and I am determined to finish my education and get my teaching degree. I will be the best Middle school Science teacher and my students will make America a better place to live.


I had no idea that the music at my school was this prestigious. I was aware that it was competitive but the teachers here are truly incredible. Everything outside of the music school seems average to me. I have learned how to adapt on my own. I am still trying to find my people on campus. It seems hard with all of the credits I take, but I know I'll find them soon enough. Campus is extremely friendly and resourceful in that aspect. Everybody is more than friendly and I do feel at home when I come back.


I dropped my bags in my freshman dorm that first day of undergrad a giddy young girl sure of herself and her path. At 18, I thought only in absolutes. I was stubborn and over-confident. Four years later, a transformed woman held that diploma and smiled for the camera. My confidence had grown from knowing everything to knowing I possess the strength to take on anything. As "Miss Perfect" from a small town and a comfortable home, college forced me to be independent, to wade through a sea of difficult life decisions, and to not drown in the consequences. The choices I made were all my own. Yet college afforded the safe, supportive environment I needed to dare to risk, to make those harder choices (for better or for worse.) The skills I acquired in those four years were far more valuable than any formula I memorized or paper I wrote. I learned that life will come and circumstances will change. How I conduct myself within those tough moments of decision will define me. Success requires being proactive, not reactive. College has equipped me with the understanding, flexibility, and the confidence to take on all that is to come.


Between 2007 and 2008 I attended the Art Institute of Atlanta where I graduated with a diploma in Culinary Arts. It was the first time I felt as though I was part of a community. Here was a place where I was surrounded by several culinary professionals, extremely knowledgable in their craft, who were always available to inform and encourage. To be in an environment with so many other individuals all dedicated to similar professions is such a huge part of learning and developing relationships that can last through-out a career. College is full of those with different ways of thinking, various levels of education, diverse life experiences and cultural backrounds that has been crucial to my personal growth and a large part of my life experience.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is a true passion for my career, and an education that no one can ever take away from me. I stated off at Miami Dade College, located in Miami Florida where I had to work extremely hard to get a good GPA to prove that I could be accepted to the University of Hartford, located in CT. When I graduated high school I stood no chance of being accepted into a university, I was denied at every school I applied to. Since I have had to work very hard, I am more appreciation of my college education, and it has enhanced my experience tremendously. I am very passionate about my career choice in historic preservation and I have been very fortunate that my professors encourage me to take electives pertaining to historic preservation. I will be graduating with a B.S. in architectural enginnering, I decided that I would go for a B.S. in architectural enginnering first and then get my masters in historical preservation at Roger Williams University, RI so I will be able to do more to save the historic buildings that I so dearly love and appreciate.