Founded in 1877, University of Hartford. is a Private college. Located in Connecticut, which is a city setting in Connecticut, the campus itself is Urban. The campus is home to 5,150 full time undergraduate students, and 1,564 full time graduate students.
The University of Hartford Academic calendar runs on a Semester basis. In the school year the student to faculty ratio was 9:1. There are 365 full time instructional teachers. Degrees awarded at University of Hartford include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree.
Quick Facts
Acceptance Rate
Application Deadline
Application Fee
SAT Range
ACT Range
Admissions at are considered Selective, with ,48% of all applicants being admitted.
In the school year, of the students who applied to the school, only 8 of those who were admitted eventually ended up enrolling.
0% of incoming freshmen are in the top half of their high school class. 0% were in the top quarter, and 0% were in the top tenth. You can apply online.
We asked, and students answered these important questions about student life at University of Hartford.
159 Students rated on-campus housing 3.3 stars. 11 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate off-campus housing?
101 Students rated off-campus housing 3.3 stars. 0 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate campus food?
167 Students rated campus food 3.1 stars. 13 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate campus facilities?
169 Students rated campus facilities 3.6 stars. 28 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate class size?
169 Students rated class size 4.3 stars. 56 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate school activities?
167 Students rated school activities 3.6 stars. 29 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate local services?
169 Students rated local services 3.8 stars. 38 % gave the school a 5.0.
How would you rate academics?
170 Students rated academics 3.5 stars. 25 % gave the school a 5.0.
University of Hartford REVIEWS
What's your overall opinion of University of Hartford?
53 Students rated University of Hartford
Mercedes - 11/17/2023
I love the small classes as it helps me focus and learn quicker. Unfortunately it’s so expensive as a student of a single mom, that i find myself stressing about my bill all semester. If you miss a payment they shut down blackboard and won’t let you submit assignments. If you miss a payment in Dec they send you a letter to move out. We always end up paying it off, but it takes my mom a little more time. My grades would be much better if this stress wasn’t hanging over my head every day…
michael - 11/14/2020
school is great
samyhia - 05/19/2020
I think that the University of Hartford comes with many opportunities to try new things and allows you to see what it feels like to live without your family.
It also allows you to partake in new activities and make new friends . You get to see what it is like to be in a class with over 100 kids or so and take tours and play sports and join clubs. So, i guess you can say that you will look forward to going to a college like this.
Mariah - 12/18/2019
I love it. We visited. I am applying.
Michael - 09/17/2019
So far, it's been a decent experience so far. From what I can tell, the school really put academics first. The professors are committed to helping every student out. However, that's only if the student is willing to put the work in as well. There isn't much to do off-campus unless you have a car.
taj-lauren - 07/17/2019
My overall opinion on the University of Hartford is its honestly great school its a great balance between the extra activities but faculty still encourage you to want to be and do your best at this university. the class sizes are small enough where professors actually know how you learn and retain the information that they actually want you to remember. Since Hartford is a smaller private school everyone knows everyone which honestly makes the campus very homey and safe and everyone just wants to see each other happy enjoying themselves and having fun. surprisingly the food could be better especially with how much m0oney they receive yearly but other than that I am deeply in love with my school and I don't regret it and I feel like this school could really help me get to my career path successfully.
Amanda - 07/09/2019
The University of Hartford is a fairly standard private school. A majority of students receive scholarships which helps bring down the private school cost. There are a lot of changes happening on campus currently so the facilities will be very new in the following years.
jonas - 06/12/2019
I spent one semester and completed two courses in the graduate nursing program. I received As in both courses and felt like I learned a lot. I dropped out and transferred to another university due to it being a very unsupportive, unprofessional environment. With two bachelor's degrees and a nursing job of 20 years, quitting was not my usual style.
One week before a discussion post was due and one and one half weeks before a major project was due, Professor Duhamel sent a memo to the class that said, "please note the changes to the syllabus." The post was now due the next day rather than in one week and the project was now due in three days rather than in a week and a half. In a panic, I emailed her and said this was impossible. It was not until this point that she admitted she made a mistake...and that we should have caught on and spoken up. Well I had not caught on. I trusted the syllabus. Go figure. She said she would grant me the original dates but it would mess up the grading system as it went beyond what was supposed to be the end of the term. There was no apology or acknowledgment that this sudden change would cause undue stress. I turned the project in three days after the new due date and four days before the original due date (that I had been granted). I made an error in setting the video for her viewing. She emailed me and told me to correct it immediately or the grading system would be screwed up. When I reminded her I had been granted the original due date, she lectured me about how the class was at fault for not catching the mistake.
When I went to Professor Breda, the head of the department, she responded by what sounded like a pitch she gives to new students about the program and advanced nursing. She kept avoiding the topic. Even upon my inquiry, she refused to acknowledge any injustice I had encountered. She told me she could get me a new advisor (as my advisor was Prof Duhamel) but that I would still have to take the nursing theory course with her. When I asked her if I could take nursing theory at another university and transfer the credits, she said no. After dropping out of the program, I decided to take the issue further up the chain, hoping corrective action would take place for the sake of other students. In a telephone conversation with Professor Thompson, the head dean, she not only refused to acknowledge I had been wronged, but gave me serious attitude repeating several times the phrase, "but you're not a student here anymore." She missed the point. Really, all I wanted was something like, "The behavior you describe is not commiserate with the values of the university. I will investigate the matter as this is not a way to treat students. I'm sorry we lost you as you were a good student." I received nothing of the sort from either dean.
Joshua - 05/16/2019
To be honest, I only attended this school for two reasons: I received the biggest financial aid package from them and if I did not go here I would have never found out about Sikorsky (an Aerospace company) or even found an interest in wanting to build helicopters and jets for the military. I personally do not drink nor smoke so I do not have any interest in partying. Academically, I believe the College of Engineering, Technology and Architecture has a lot of building to do within the program. You have professors that are not available for office hours, you have professors that do not present the information clearly and get upset when students ask questions (I can say from personal experience) and you have professors that I believe care about the students future. Now all of the professors may cre about the success of their success but the question is how many of those professors actually produce or send forth successful students to the next class.
Juliana Rose - 04/28/2019
If I could give an honest review about my University, I would have to say that it’s a very diverse school and I feel like that is amazing because students get to learn about other people and their culture, and one thing that we do not tolerate is judgment. The University of Hartford is a very welcoming place, all sort of people live on the campus or commute there. The University of Hartford is the place where it has a little bit of everything for each student who arrives on campus, there is a great variety of careers to major in as well. Our mascot is Howie the hawk, we go super big when it comes down to sports, it’s something we take pride in, especially the athletes. A good thing about the University of Hartford is that although it’s a very big campus, there is always something to do. There are always events happening around the complexes, where students reside at, and it’s a great amazing benefit and opportunity for students to go out and relax their hard working studious selves. Another great benefit is that Friday through Sunday there is a shopping shuttle that takes students to main stops for students to go and do their errands or just fun adventures with friends.
Something that I dislike about the University of Hartford is the dreary cafeteria also known as Commons. The breakfast is a daily routine in which becomes mind-numbing overtime. My Caesar salad consists of lifeless wilted leaves with cold tasteless pieces of chicken and the dressing that gives me pimples overnight. The food that is served is usually fast food and having too much french-fries, burgers and pizza get dull. Although there are many other options of food such as cereal, fruits, salad, and soup, over the period of time, it becomes uninteresting and unexciting except for when it’s pasta or sushi night. Even if I complain about commons’ food, I am grateful for having food, but why pay so much for something that can have an impact on your health? The University of Hartford provides other places for food such as Subway, Moes, and the famous night dining place, where students hang around to have a fun time, Hawk Nest.
The University of Hartford is meant for early birds and night owls, it’s the place where everything keeps innovating and bringing new opportunities to students everyday. It's the place where you come in contact with barriers but each student has the grit to keep succeeding. If ever looking for assistance, people are willing to help as much as they can.
Shaniya - 04/16/2019
It could be better. But it’s not that bad of a school. I don’t really leave my room much because campus is boring. I’ve never been to a basketball game or any school events for that matter because they’re usually not that great. If they did more fun fund raisers and did things to grab students attention more the school would probably be more unified and more fun
Obaloluwa - 03/18/2019
University of Hartford is a great university, it provides its students with the resources we require to learn and grow. The faculty is extremely nice and professional and while the school is small, it is big enough that there are always new places to discover.
Ariel - 02/26/2019
University of Hartford is my top choice of colleges because they have such a diverse learning community. The campus is the perfect size and they have so many opportunities for students. The campus has so many resources for students to learn and get involved in the community. The class sizes are small so students can get a better learning environment to talk to their professors one on one.
Ariana - 02/16/2019
The University of Hartford always has something new to introduce to their students. When we, as students, have needs they accommodate to the best of their abilities. For example, there is a large group of vegetarian/vegans throughout campus. We were concerned that there weren't as many options for us, so we sat down as a collective with the school to discuss and voice our opinions. Within in a week or two the school had made more food options for us to eat. The university also has a talent of never being boring, there are always activities and shows to go see. These allow students to support and be apart of as many clubs as they would like. When looking at the students it is obvious how much diversity is within the campus. This allows for exposure to different cultures and new experiences with the people you meet. Like any community there is always room for growth. There are some gaps within the community that we are trying to bridge together. The fact that we are always trying to come together and make a difference shows how much of a community we continue to be.
Tessa - 02/16/2019
An extreme price tag for a below average education, pay Harvard prices for high school classes. There is a sense of apathy in the classrooms, as if the students attending are there because their parents forced them. Every year I was there the administration informed us the teachers were forgoing raises to keep cost down which really made you question where all the money was being spent, it clearly was not on the campus which is drab 50's style.
The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of Hartford is 71%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Always believe in yourself and start to look into internships and scholarships earlier than your junior year. Always take a chance and never regret anything you have done in life. Learn to balance yourself and pace yourself as well. People will come and go but you have yourself towards the end of the day. Try to stick with people that you feel safe with and don't take it personel if a friendships does not last. Always stay true tou yourself and your family and don't let stress take over your life.
What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I wasn't well prepared for what happens after undergraduate graduation i.e. grad school or finding a job. I wish there was more support from the faculty to help advise the students especially during their final years. in the institution.
What kind of person should not attend this school?
A person who is willing to learn and use their time management skills well. People who tend to do poor in regular school should not consider this university at all. They will loose time and a lot of money. This place is very expensive.
What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I tell my friends about the awesome people that I have met over the past year and a half I have been at university of Hartford. The size of the school really helps my social life, since you are able to meet people often and eventaully get to know them well enough to become great friends.
My classmates were friendly but competative. We enjoyed helping each other out with constructive critisism and advice. My classmates were very laid back and flexible.
I personally feel a great deal of gratitude toward this school because of the friends I have made over my years here. The campus itself is very interesting and great for people watching. Some of the students are absolutely ridiculous. They range from rude and ignorant to witty and intelligent. Either way, I consider them interesting and enjoyable.
What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The University of Hartford is a diverse community that enjoys being a school that is division 1 but on the smaller side compared to other division 1 campuses. The most frustrating thing about the school is that it is a private instituition that doest get or better yet give away enough finacial aid to it's students. Because of this many students end up transfering due to lack of finacial means. This causes the community to be seperated which henders one of the best parts of the campus.
i love it here. The campus is easy to get around. My classes are rather small so I don't feel overwhelmed. the staff are always willing to help and you can feel comfortable asking questions. I feel like it is an environment where I can learn
All students must apply yearly for financial aid. This process starts with the FAFSA.
Though financial aid deadlines vary by school, it is a good idea to apply as soon as possible. For the upcoming school year, you can apply as early as October 1 for the FAFSA. Additional school aid will be dependent on the FAFSA results.
98% of students attending University of Hartford receive some sort of financial aid.
33% were awarded federal grants.75%received federal loans. Many students do also need to apply for additional private student loans.