University of Hartford Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Hartford know before they start?


make sure you do your research. dont go too far away from family. dont go to the most expensive school, you will regret it.


Make sure that if possible as a student you do an over night stay to get a feel for what the college that you are interested in is really like. As parents you should put in opinions and imput but do not try to dictate your child's choice. Also make sure you go on a tour of every college that is a serious consideration of your list and make a pros and cons list of the things you see and hear. Please PLEASE ask as many questions as you can.


Make sure that you visit the campus and spend time their. Compare at least 2 other schools with your first choice. Make the most of your studies. Schools really do look at good grades. Get involved in sports or music in high school, colleges like well rounded students. Look to the internet for scholarships, they will really help out. Get a part time job to help pay the bills and for the little extras that you don't tend to think about.Make friends with people from different classes so you can all help each other out if someone misses a class or to study with.


My primary advice to parents and students who are college searching is to find out what is important to you. Several factors that I considered when visiting colleges were the academic programs, location of the school, the size of the school, and activities available on and off campus. Analyzing what elements are most important will help you decide what colleges to choose. Also, before going on campus tours, try preparing questions that you are concerned about. Since the whole college process is overwhelming, this will help you soak in a lot of information about each school. In terms of making the most of your college experience, determine your priorities. College is a new, fun, and very different experience from high school. This new experience can also mean extended independence. By setting priorities or goals for college allows you to maintain balance. Considering that there are so many new experiences, such as extracurricular activities, special events, social get-togethers, and interest groups, setting priorities will enable individuals to enjoy all the elements of college without becoming overwhelmed.


do as much research as possible and start very very early even as early as sophomore


My goal throughout high school was to be accepted to the Berklee College of Music. Although I was in fact accepted there, I instead made the decision to attend the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford to major in music production. It was a decison I agonized over as Berklee to me has always been a very prestigious music school. Berklee is in the city and has no campus...Hartford is in a very nice area and has a great campus. I felt more comfortable during my visits to Hartford and my future department head not only made me feel very welcome, but also made me feel that the staff really wanted me to be a part of their program. In the end, I went with what my heart kept telling me to do and I know I made the right decision. I'm truly happy to be at U.O.H. and am doing very well. It's just so important to visit and meet as many people as possible. Once you do that, you'll know the right decision to make!


When finding the appropiate college please make sure that the famil's financial funds are adequate to attend, and for a student to make the most out of his/her college experience they should keep up on their school work and to make sure they have a lot or just enough friends who are on the same boat as them.


Visiting the campus and possibly spending a night or a week there I would say is a must. It really gives you a chance to get to know the school and see what the student population and the food is like.


I feel that size is the most important thing. Yes, even when it comes to picking the right college! It is important for the student to visit varying schools of size to try and get a feel for the different environments they provide. Once they understand what kind of size school they are looking for it will be easier to narrow the search. Also, the student should really try to pick a college that won't have them stopping home every weekend! Almost equally important as the academics of college, is the social life. You will have the opportunity to meet and network with so many different people at college that going home every weekend will greatly hinder your ability to meet these new and exciting people. Finally, don't be afraid of applying to private colleges They often will provide large amounts of financial aid making them not too much more than public colleges. A student needs to be absolutely comfortable with their college environment in order for them to succeed to their fullest, so take your time and choose the right college.


I advise students to do a lot of research when they are choosing their college. I was the typical high school senior that did not want to do extra work and the thought of researching and comparing numerous colleges did not seem enticing. However, students will be spending years at the college they choose and it is essential to choose one that meets the student's needs. The thought of researching different colleges may sound daunting, but it will definitely pay off after graduating high school. Also, I think that students should join clubs and organizations their freshman year of college. Being involved on campus will make the year go by a lot faster and you will be able to make a lot of new friends. Personally, I am involved in four organizations on campus and I love it. In addition, I am a full-time undergraduate student and I have a campus job. If you become involved in extra-curricular activities during your freshman year, more opportunities will be available for you in subsequent years. Executive Board opportunities may become available and these leadership experiences are something employers look for after graduation.