Don't stop looking after you "think" you've found the perfect college. Explore ALL your options and ALL schools that seem interesting. The worst thing you could do is only apply to one or two schools, then regret not applying to more if you get rejected or decide you don't like it half way through your semester. Take advantage of your guidance counselor that's what they're there for. They can help you major and class wise and what schools might be better for your intended major.
Research, Research Research!!!! Also go to visits as many colleges as you can before making your decision.
I believe finding the atmosphere that you love and feel the most comfortable in is the most important decision you must make when choosing a school.
Something that my father always said to me, is see how the student reacts right when you get on campus for your first visit. There were a couple of schools that I was really excited about seeing until I got to the campus and hated it. One of the reasons I chose my school is becasue of how the campus looks. It's going to be your home for the next four years, its pretty important. Plus see if there are extra curriculars that you might want to get invovled in. I'm very invovled in campus activities and it made adjusting to college life really easy.
Well... first I would tell students to spend as much time on a campus beforehand to get a feel of the atmosphere and whether or not they would want to be a part of that specific community long term.
Making the most of the college experience? Well my biggest piece of advice is really to advocate for yourself as a student. College helps most of us to gail skills we will need for the rest of our lives, and while college is the suspension of real life for many people, its also very easy to call mom and dad to deal with your problems while your here.
Faculty and Staff always respond to students problem much more positively when a student makes an attempt to advocate for themselves. Parrents: The best thing you can do for your college student is to refer them to speak to someone on campus who can help them solve whatever issues they maybe be having. Help teach your children by trying to avoid riding in on the white horse unless it is extremely nessisary. Teach your kids to be adults by giving them the chance to find their own path.
As an individual that has gone through the process of traveling visiting schools, taking tours, interviewing with deans, and getting applications together,I feel with confidence I can reflect and judge the situation. I know my parents were absolutely key in the role of picking a school. I could not have done it all without them. I think my advice goes mostly out to the parents of kids. If you think your child is not ready for college, do not force them to go. Some people are just not mature enough to handle the workload, the different living environment, and being away from their parents. All of these stresses compound and affect school work. Let them go to community college for two years, or let them work to save up money. I just don't think it is right to force your child to go to school just to save face in your community or amongst co-workers. Be responsive to your kids wants and needs. Choosing a school is a big decision and they will be there for the next four years, they should be a part of the choice and happy!!
Don't count out private universities or colleges. These are the schools that tend to give out the most financial aid. There will never be a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} perfect school, but there will be a near perfect program,campus and location.
Parents- Dont force your kids right into college. If they do not know what they wish to attend school for that's fine. Let them wait a year and decided what they want, then look at the schools that are appropriate. Students- Make sure this is really what you want to do, this is what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life so make sure it truely makes you happy. One should not choose a school because of male/female ratio or on how many frat/sororities there are. Make a decision based on the size, accesability and simply the academic premise of the school itself. For example I choose to not attend Uconn due to its large size, and Purdue because of size and range from my family.
Pick the college based on what you know about the school and not what others tell you. Other people do not make your school experience you make it for yourself. So if you want to sit in your room and do homework you can. Or if you want to be a social butterfly you can do that too. You decide your fate, not some book or internet blog you read about the school.