Visit schools that meet your needs. Be realistic about what you want in a school. Consider its location and what you want out of college. Are you focused?
Advice I would give to parents is "let go". Do not call your child every hour of the day, trust that you have instilled in them the difference between wrong and right an wrong. For students I would tell them not to be afraid to get involved socially if it is appropriate. Always put your school work first before the parties and social events no matter how much of a "square" your friends say you are. Lastly choose what makes you happy. Do not feel obligated to attend a school a parent is an alumni of or feel the need to join a sorority they have been. You are becoming older and along comes responsibilties and making the right ddecisions for yourself is one of them. You must live up to your expectations and not everyone else's.
Make sure you visit the school and really love what you see.
Choose the school that offers the most money towards tuition
Be active-join organizations, club even a sorority or fraternity. Always stay active, it will look good on your resume!
I would definitely advise parents and students to visit all the colleges they are interseted in and really go with where you feel most at home combinded with finding the major that most fits what you are looking for. I would also advise living on campus so you can get the most out of the full college expericence, yes that means your social life too. Also make sure the school you attend has opprotunities for you to get involved with sports, jobs, clubs, getting off campus and the community.
Take into account everything little aspect from school size and surrounding stores to diversity and majors. Also, visit the college before you make it a final choice. If there's still trouble deciding make a list and compare all the likes to dislikes to give you a better look at your choices.
Choose the size and type of college for you. Its importnat to determien what your looking for and what your personalty style is. You can choose the wrong school, and if you do, its ok to change schools. ITs ok to choos the wrong college. Its ok to do a lot of things, its a learning expriecne and college is vital to that process. You will hvae the opproutniy to learn about yourself and how you interact with other people and instutions. Its important to understand that people are at your school to help you. If you choose to find another school, they will even help youf find the otehr schools, (at least mine does) and will help you transfer, becuase they are more sconcerned with your furture and whats best for you then anything else. People are their to help you.
make sure to visit every school you're considering, and speak to students there. it's helpful to go without your parents, because you get a more realistic experience that way. when in school, the most important thing is going to every class, studying for tests, and doing homework on time- once you've mastered that, the rest is easy!
Visit all of the schools you are interested in. When visiting these schools pay close attention to the type of people you see, and talk to as many of them as possible. Don't be afraid, most students and faculty are more than happy to help (except for maybe during exams week, when everyone is chugging coffee and pulling their hair out). Also take a close look at the classrooms you will be studying in. That's where you will be spending most of your time, so you should want them to suite your style. If you can find the professors you will be studying with, get as much information out of them as you can (interrogate them). I don't think I can stress that enough. They will be your mentors, so you should enjoy their company and be interested in what they have to say.
When you get to college, make the most of the first few days. You will meet some of your best friends on the first day of school.
Learn time management quickly; between schoolwork, real work and friends, you don't have much "me" time.
Relax and have fun. It's only four years.
Make sure to look at all of the factors of the school! The class size and courses offered may be perfect but if you don't fit in with the social scene (or the other way around, the parties look awesome but the classes are so-so) reconsider. People say they may transfer but transferring is really difficult in conjunction with classes during the semester (also often credits won't even transfer). So make the right decision the first time!
Decide what is important to you in choosing a school, and then pick a school from there. If academics are the most important thing to you (and they should be, as that is what you will be paying for), then don't necessarily let the social aspects of the college or university turn you off. I honestly don't enjoy my campus at all and will probably keep in touch with less than ten of my college friends once we graduate, but that doesn't bother me because I know that the program I am a part of is the best in the nation for the degree I am going for. Sure the campus is a mess, but it is a small price to pay for the things that I am learning.