I would tell myself a few things if I could give myself some advice. For one, I would tell myself to budget my time better. Sometimes I can get bogged down in my schoolwork if I put it off. Another thing I would tell myself would be to meet as many people as I can. My first year here I didn't really like it because I wasn't very outgoing with people in my high school. Now I have a lot of friends who belong to many different social groups. The last thing I would tell myself would be to wake up in the morning. I used to be a morning person but I find it hard to wake up. I just need to give myself the motivation to get a good night's sleep and wake up in the morning for my classes.
Keep a good head on your shoulders. Take care of your body and treat it kindly because the Freshman 15 doesn't look great on you! Don't rush into anything with guys because you have all the time in the world to find who's right for you. You don't need to get yourself so preoccupied with finding the perfect guy right now! I know you're a social creature, but try your hardest to take your major seriously. I know the people surrounding you in your classes are a complete drag, but just take them in stride. Your first week at college, you're going to find the people that truly change your life. Let me just prepare you by telling you that, the minute your parents drop you off at campus, you're going to cry hysterically and plead with them to turn right back around on their 4 hour journey home and rescue you from the concept of independence. You know what? I'd hate to spoil the plot of the drama, but you survive! And even in those moments when things get to you, just remember: everything is going to actually be all right!
If I were to go back and be a high school senior again I would tell myself to not to make friends with only one group of people, so that went we broke up I would not loose all my friends. I would also have tried to teach myself to be more relaxed about my school work becuase a lot of the time it interfears with a my ability to make friends.
Fill out more scholarships! Truly focus on what you want to study, enjoy what you have left of high school because college is an extremely different enviornment. You'll meet new people who have a lot of different opinions than your own and you have to understand to live with it and to continue your knowledge in and outside of the classroom. Do your best, your never gonna learn if you try to be perfect all the time, people make mistakes, learn from them and move on. You will learn alot from your peers but your more likely to learn about yourself from the decisions your going to make when you get to college, think it over wisely.
Be yourself no matter what!
I believe I did the best I could have done in my college search. It is wise to take into account the factors that matter most to you--financial aid, academics, social life, location, etc, and this is what I did. Financial aid was incredibly important to me, so that came first. No matter how I am feeling now about my college, I believe that I truly did pick the best school that I could have. As a first-generation college student, I didn't have anyone to help me in my college search; additionally, my family can't afford to pay much for college, so financial aid was top priority. I would tell my senior-year self that I was heading in the right direction, but that perhaps I shouldn't pack so much stuff for my dorm room. I would tell myself to relax, to stop taking the process so incredibly seriously. It all works out in the end, and it usually works out for the better. The college search can be incredibly challenging, but with the right knowledge, it can be successful.
Don't stress about college too much, because it all seems to work out in the end!
Don't stress about which college or university to choose. Just step back and the right one will jump out at you. For some people, that choice happens right away, and for others, it takes time.
think about what you want in a college, and look at what each school has to offer. Make sure to visit the school before you make a decision. Dont just cling to your roomate, Join extra curricular activities, and try to meet as many poeple as possible.
Go with what your heart tells you. If you feel a strong vibe from a college or university go for it. You are the one who will be going there so you have to feel comfortable to. And no one can do that but yourself. Make sure to try to find where things are early in the semester, such as offices and administrative buildings, incase of an emergency. Don't be afraid to talk to people, esspecially upper classmen. Some of my good friends are in the upper class, and be cause of them I definatly was able to get my way around campus and know who i needed to talk to for problems, or just cool and intereresting teachers and students.
I would like parents especially to remember that it is their son or daughter who has to be happy at school. And please know that just because you are footing the bill, it does not mean you get to make the decisions for them. They need to make their own mistakes and develop their own sense of responsibility.