We have a lot of school pride.
Take a look at this!
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Um...GO COOGS!? Lol, nah. The only thing I would change is all the CONSTANT construction going on. It makes it hard to navigate the campus sometimes, especially when you're used to going a certain way then are totally detoured off your path.
The diversity of the school. Even though that the school is not so big it has a lot of different departments and is suittable for the studens to feel at home. It is not so big but it ensures that it gets the same quality education as bigger universities.
Students here are really integrated amongst each other. Transferring in from a big campus to a college within a metropolitan city as Houston was a blessing for me. In more remote colleges with large campuses, like the one I was attending previously often fall short of the care and attention that can be given to the students. Here, at the University of Houston the moto is "You are the Pride". The student body is highly motivated and help each other to attain their goals. The majority here seem earnestly concentrated on their coursework.
Our school is extremely diverse in race and in social/economical backgrounds. I feel like this creates a comfortable and safe environment for everyone. Our school is heavily research based, so if you happen to be in the science field, this is a great school to get hands-on laboratory and research experience. The university is pretty big but seems small enough that you get to know a lot of the other students. This holds true even if you are not involved in the Greek life or other extra curricular activities.
The Diversity of this school is through the roof. By just walking to class everyday you'll see and her different cultures and languages from all over the world. This alone is an eye opening experience for any student. With this diversity you learn to accept and understand other cultures and realize these people are just like you !
It's a commuter school, unlike most other schools. When most of the people commute including yourself, it is kind of like a high school where you go for a few hours and then go home. It is also very affordable mostly because I do commute. Since Houston is such a big city, the University of Houston is one of the highest populated campuses in Texas. It is well kept, regardless of the large number of people.
The University of Houston is unique to the other schools I have considered in that not only is it a respected-- academically and sports-wise--school, it is also culturally diverse, rich in its traditions, and a close-knit community.