University of Houston Top Questions

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The University of Clear Lake campus offers a unique Bachelor of Fine Arts degree through the Applied Design and Visual Arts program. With hands on experience in and even outside the studio and a variety of techniques and skills, this school has it all!


The loyalty and cooperation of most of the faculty and student, and most of all the acceptance of non-traditional student like me. For instance when my mother passed away in march, and I got behind the instructions were very understanding. That is not to say I got the grades that I could have made.


The thing that i found to be most unique were the campus' facilities. Especially when it came to my major, the facility seemed to be better than any of my top choices which cost more than the university i an currently attending.


Diversity of all Races and Ages in the University. Location of the University is in the center of Houston, with so much going on around us, but we can still keep a very professional University outlook and great activities in the campus with endless social gatherings, exchange of cultural ideas, food and festivals that every ethic group celebrates in their country. We learn about foreign student's country, background and intermix with all ages and races in our classroom.


It has great pride. I like the campus environment... everyone is friendly here. The proffessors will not let you get away with slacking off but will help you out if you truly want to get ahead and pass the classes.


Even though the University of Houston isn't that widely known and popular there are a lot of good programs here and a lot of Top Nation programs as well. The music program especially has really good music courses and the directors here are very widely known and good at what they do. So, being a music student here you have a lot of opportunities for success.


The University of Houston is a school where all students are made welcome and the faculty caters to them. Rather than fostering an environment where students fight against one another and the faculty act like they are constantly testing you, the University of Houston is caring. Professors and staff are thrilled when you do well. When you write a good essay they lavish you with praise and when you falter they are willing to help. While other schools appear to not be accepting towards students the University of Houston works to help students succeed.


It offers great scholarships. they have advisors or special helpers that tutor. They offer many resources to go to when in need. they offer you payment plans if you can't afford to pay for college right off the back. All the staff is encouraging and friendly. The school is in excellent condition. There are alot of people that will make you strive to accomplish your dream.


There are quite alot of thing . Teachers are friendly and pro-teach. Students are from diverse include international. adviser and counserlor very nice to help student.....


You feel at home at UH. The campus is always buzzing and it's rare to find someone who isn't willing to chat. Although it is strong in Liberal Arts, UH still supports many Science and Mathematic fields as well. Many of the "Colleges" at UH are world renowned and receive awards on a regular basis. The support a student receives at UH is amazing. The football team is pretty good as well.