University of Houston Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Houston!


It's nice and big in the right way, and has a decent amount of green around. It also closest to home, and not as expensive as the others in the area.


The people that attend the university are very diverse.


The University of Houston is unique in that it's one of the most diverse campuses in the nation. There are people from all parts of the world with different religons and ethnic backgrounds. It's a great place to learn about everyone and it makes you aware of what all happens in the world.


The most unique thing about my school is that it is located in a historically Black part of Houston, but has such a racially diverse student and staff population.


I attend the Conrad Hilton College, which means on the University campus we have a Hilton hotel. We get great first hand experince, I am honored to be a part of the program. Our mascott is the Shasta the Cougar, we used to have a live cougar, how cool is that.


I only ever considered this school. This is my home town and i wanted to be close to my family. There are 3 other universities within the city, one requires a tuition i cannot afford, one leaves much to be desired in terms of the amenities previously listed and the third is primarily an arts school.


Our campus is the most diverse university in the state. We rank in the top percentage in each of the individual colleges (such as Natural Sciences, Business, etc.) in the state. People here, due to their involvement with their personal families and jobs, are more well-off for life post-graduating and for their careers.


The school caters to many types of people which allows everyone to get an education.


There's nothing that unique. I just like the diveristy.


In my opinion, this school is very diverse. Although everywhere there are snobby people, but this school not at all, there are very few.