University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Illinois at Chicago know before they start?


The most basic and main advice that I would give is to persevere. In high school, the coursework is relatively easy and basic. However, in college, coursework may be little but the time that you should spend on each class is much more than you would expect. There is a lot of time to study and participate in extra-curricular activities but it all comes down to how wisely time is spent. Time-management plays an important role, not only in college, but also in life. Many times students want to hang out and have fun in college and make studying a lesser priority. DO NOT DO THIS. Social life is important but your academic life far outweighs your social life. Everything that you learn in college carries through to the next stage of life as an adult. Responsibility, critical thinking, logical reasoning, time-management, and etc, are all very important to learn. You need to get ready to make smart decisions that will have everlasting impacts on your life. It may be really hard to concentrate and focus throughout college but after persevering through it all, it will all be worth your time. Persevere and succeed!


I believe that as a college senior I was completely ready to make the transition to college life. College life offered me the independence that I was striving for and had been preparing for my entire senior year of highschool. If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would not go back to senior year, but to my freshman year of high school and the conversation would deter from college life to academic life. I would have told myself to make wiser academic decisions throughout my four years of high school. Today I am envious of those who were able to gain college credits their senior year of high school and if I would have known as a freshman to plan more directly for my academic future I could have completed almost all of my freshman year of college during my senior year of high school. This could have been an advantage that today I wish I had because of my heavy course load now and my double major disabling me from graduating in 4 years but instead 5. I accept that I will be in school for 5 years, but regret my past academic decisions.


I would tell myself to prepare mentally. There are many hardships and discouraging encounters that will stand in your way. A lot of hard waork and dedication overcomes all of these things. Keep focused and remeber to ask for help from others if you do not have the answers yourself.


Hillarie, wake up! Enjoy these years and live them to their full extent, but don't for one second forget what the real priorities are. Academics are everything and if you are not constantly putting in 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, then eventually those students that do put forth such effort will catch up with you and surpass. You are a bright person-don't lose your edge over the competition! Listen to those adults who walk around in 'lecture-mode', they are only sharing their wealth of knowledge with you because they care about you and they know first hand what it takes to lead happy and successful lives. Set goals for yourself. Things that come easy, will go easy and hard work and determination always give off the best awards. Keep your mind open to all possibilities and you will lead that adventurous and spontaneous life you seek, and your goals will always make sure you do this while staying on track.


I would tell myself to take in every learning opportunity given to me. It is amazing how much the little things taught in high school can effect your college experience. Paying attention in high school is like giving yourself a leg up in college. I know that social anxieties are present during high school, but you begin a whole new life in college. Now, I like to look at my high school days as merely a stepping stone to an amazing, stimulating, and invigorating new world. College is the chance to make a new you and fulfill all of your desires.


I would tell myself not to worry. That friends will come and go and that new people in your life may be able to give you a new persepective on things. I would also tell myself that some professors are just bad and you can't rely on the grade you get to determine the person you are. You are much more than a number and there are things in life that happen that you just can't change, but they shape the person you are. You are more than a grade point average. Be careful of distractions. They come in many different forms. Whether its facebook or boys or even crossword puzzles in the newspaper. Focus on what you love. Write about what you know. Keep your ambition and don't do it for someone else. Finish it for you because you deserve the credit. Find a good way to study and try to get some sleep. Good luck.


Well to start off, I would have first told myself to stay in High School and then go directly to college after that. College is a great experience and a life changing step. College not only gives you an education to get a better paying career, it also helps the transition from childhood to adulthood. It helps teach responsibility, organization, timeliness and of course, what you need to know to get the career you want. College life helps you prepare for the future not only in the way of a career, but in preparing for the interviews, and job seeking step. Many of the teachers have a lot of experience in what they are teaching and not only can they teach you what the school wants them to teach, but they can also enlighted you to the real world experiencein the specific field you are studying. It is defenitely a chance that no one should miss out on. I would have told myself that this is one of the most important steps in life and that I should not forget about college.


One of the things I need to learn is discipline myself to study my books for a long period of time; due to the fact that high school required less attention and study habits. Also, knowing what I know now, I would have applied for scholarships that can help me with the financial aspect of being a students. I hardly receive refunds from financial aid, which means that I have to personally buy the textbooks from my own pocket but for majority of the time not buing any at all. In addition, I would learn how to socialize more with people because through-out my high school period, I was a loner which makes it very hard fro me to associate and keep contact with people. Another advice will be to keep up with people because when opportunity comes, they will always remember you as along as you keep people inform about what you need help with.


The advice I would give myself would be to take college more seriously. I need to learn to teach myself to study better, and be prepared to do most of my learning on my own, even in science based courses. I would also advise my past self to make decisions more carefully, and think about the consequences more thoroughly before doing anything rash. I would also tell myself that eith time management skills, I would be able to have a social life, participate in activities, and also succeed academically. I would advise myself to HAVE FUN, but be RESPONSIBLE.


Never give up, no matter what. Even if you choose to procrasinate, you musn't give up. Success is achieved through sheer willpower and the amount of struggles through life, so never give up.