Expensive schools are not the answers. The best choice is a school you can afford, that offers classes in your field of choice, and is committed to providing real world exposure for their students. Do not focus on a perfect curriculum fit. Your academic and career interests may change my graduation. Do not focus on the size of campus. Big or small school unimportant, what is important is how much tutoring and other academic resources does the school offer?
In the end what you put into your college education is more significant than where you attended.
To find the right college one must ask himself/herself what exactly they are expecting to get out of it and, in what kind of environment they feel most comfortable. It is very important to take into consideration the size of the future school and the average amount of students in a classroom. Big schools usually offer many more activities, clubs and community service opportunities, but the student must be motivated to learn about them and get involved. The future students should also take into consideration the cost of tuition, and if they will be able to get any scholarships. It is an extremely rewarding feeling being able to study without the parents? having to worry about paying for your education.
To get most out of the college experience is to be able to apply the material learned in the classroom in the real world setting, already as a college student. The best way to do so is by volunteering and giving back to the community. Only through serving others and trying to contribute to peace and equality can the college experience start making deeper sense and give real satisfaction.
I would tell them to really find out why they are going to college; if it's because they want to have a fun time partying for four years, or if they want to study a lot to reach their career goals. UIC is a good place for studying a lot to reach your career goals because there aren't many distractions at night and on the weekends, although, there are still many fun things to do. I want to go to medical school and I think UIC is the perfect place to prepare.
Researching a college is only the first step. Be involved in your child's college experience. Stay interested in their students and motivate them to consult you when in need. Sometimes professors do not provide the necessary support.
Since I am a parent that attends college full time, I have much wisdom on how I will approach other parents and students about finding the right college. It starts with your major in life whether it is business management or civil engineering in considering which college you want to attend. After this, I will illustrate the option to attend college whether online or on campus. Once they have chose the right college; however, I will give them several more colleges in comparison to tuition, faculty / staff, and academics etc. They will read all the information from other colleges that have the same programs but different teaching methods within each college. They will make their final decision within educational success in college. Knowing who to communicate with, pay for college, and create wealth will only be the beginning of the student / parent success in college. Lastly I will say, ?Success only comes from what you can change and therefore the college needs you far more than you need it.? Thank you for choosing a question that all college students and parents seek to answer. These words that I speak are of truth and sincerity.
God bless Education: Jonathan Sebastian Gibson
My advice to students is explore many options for different degree programs and schools, then throw away your pros and cons lists, and go with your gut feeling of where you will be most happy. Listening to the influences of friends, parents and teachers is helpful, but in the end this is your four years to gain as much knowledge, experience, and growth as possible to transform you into a more complete person and more prepared for the path you have chosen or wil discover along the way. It is a true disservice to yourself to not follow what you feel is best, and make the situation much too complicated with worry and over thinking. When you do find the school, career path and interests that are right for you, embrace your opportunities and the challenges they bring to the fullest by taking advantage of the new, diverse environment, extra-curricular activites to make the most of the people, potential friends, and learning experience, and the education you recieve in the classroom and in learning who you are. Basically, don't let your fears hold you back, remember that it is your four years, they are what you make them.
Be open to all options
College is a time where many of us find ourselves, and the only way one can truly do that is by starting off with an open mind about what they're about to experience and see and taking everything that the world has to throw at them in the following years. People need to experience everything that intrigues them even a little bit, because if you don't make mistakes now, you won't be able to once you're out of school...
The best advice that I would be able to give parents and students it would be to think about what college is best for the major that the student is considering. Another piece pf advice that I would give students is for them to go visit colleges,
The college experence is something that you will remember for the rest of your life. The friends that you make, the clubs that you join, the things that you learn will last forever. College is important part of life not only for occuring the education that you need for the future, but for learning about yourself. Enviroment is key to when picking a college. Go to the college and look around, talk to the staff before you make a decision. Talk to other students about what they think about the college. Most of all, pick a college that you WANT to go to. Don't focuse your college decision based on your major, that's what gradurate school is for. If your major is dediced or not, don't worry about it. There are career counselors that can help you with your interests when picking and finalizing your major.
There is always something going on and things to do. Make new friends, talk to your teachers (I know they're scary, but they will talk to you almost about anything!), get involved in sports and/or clubs. Soon, your sociall life will be school, but in a good way.