University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Illinois at Chicago know before they start?


Well first ask yourself "Why college?" Once you've figured that out ask yourself "What do I expect from my professors? and lastly "What can I do for my school?" If you've found the answers to all those questions then you've made up your mind on what college and you've already began the blueprint of your social and service experiences therein. Good Luck!


UIC is a good school if you put in the work and time. If you can get couple of friends and get an apartment around campus, it would be ideal for you and your kid to mature.


Don't rush it, really. If you arent sure what you want to do yet, take your time. you could even take a year off, theres nothing wrong with that. Make sure you are ready for the commitment of college before going.


Ask the child: what they really want to study in college. (Major, minor, concentration) what they want to live with the parents or dorm. what they want to loan. what they want to study in the city or suburbs if they want small classes or large classes. if they want to be in the school team. if so, what field. (soccer, basketball, football, etc) want to attend a catholic or public school. By answering all those questions. Parents or the child should seek schools that meets their first priorities/ criterias. That's how they can be successful in college. Basically ask what their priorities in college are. My priorites in selecting the school I chose are living close to parents, affordable tuition, the major I'm interested in pursuing, accessible transportations, and friends that goes there.


When you start college, get involved! You'll have a better experience if you get involved in your college community. Pick a school that you like best.


When chosig a college I would suggest that students do a lot of research. Students spend a lot of time and money at a university, and you want it to be worth it in the end. I would also advise students to take into consideration what their parents think, but do not let their opinions overrule your own. In the end it is the the students decision of what they want to major in and what college they want to attend. It is a huge decision and a great responsibility, but in the end the choice you make should fulfill all of what you hoped for. Do not settle for less than you deserve or desire. Even if you think you will not be accepted at a specific college, try applying anyways. You have nothing to lose and in the end you may be surprised.


I would tell students to choose a school that he or she likes. Don't worry about other people's opinions. All that matters is your own. Have fun and don't get too stressed. Get your work done. Work before play.


I defenitely think parents and students shouldn't stress about which college they are going to. My advice would be if you aren't sure what you want to do, pick the best state school and go there. Then even if you pick a speciality and want to go to a really prestigous school you can transfer or do graduate school. College isn't just about academics, its also the first time you're going to really be depending on yourself, and you should go to a school where you can really experience what that's going to be like. I really don't think students should have already decided their entire lives before they start college, college is a time of discovery, you find out what really interests you and what you're capable of.


I would say that you should really consider what you want to do in the future during highschool, that way you won't have to waste time and money. I would also advise to really appreciate the college experience because I am a transfer student at UIC, and I really wished I had come here for all four years, instead of just two. Overall, just enjoy it as best as you can because college is a one time only experience, and the things you learn from professors as well as your peers can be just about the best thing that can happen to you in regards to learning more about life, what you want to do, and who you want to be.


look at schools all across america, VISIT THEM and talk to students from those schools!!!!Find out what those students love and hate about it. AND DON'T EVEN CONSIDER A PARTICULAR SCHOOL BECAUSE IT'S A KNOWN PARTY SCHOOL.